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Its that time again...(tww)

Im starting my 2ww again for the millionth time... Anyone else on their tww or about to be there? Id like to find some other ladies to talk to to make these two weeks go by a little faster :]

I'm 3dpo

Anyone optimistic? Feel like they are out? Try anything new this cycle?

26 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi - yes im on 3dpo/4dpo depending on how my chart is interpreted! are you a poas addict too? I obsess over every twinge. I regularly find myself pressing my boobs to see if they are tender during my tww much to the amusement of my husband! how long have you been ttc?

10 years ago

Oh so were about at the same time them. I can't temp bc I'm a mouth breather and it trows it all off. And yes! I am a poas addict haha! I usually start testing at 8dpo just in case I have the tiny chance to see something lol.

We have been ttc for a year. This is our second month using preseed and our first cycle taking fertility vitamins. A few weeks ago my dh took an at home sperm count test and to our relief that came back positive. We are contemplating going to a fertility doctor. Its just so frustrating trying so long with no results.

10 years ago • Post starter

how do you know if you are a mouth breather? We've been trying a yr also but had 3 mc so been to clinic. they have taken both my and my husbands blood so waiting for results. are you UK or USA or elsewhere based?

10 years ago

Sorry to hear about your losses :/ I know I'm a mouth breather because I snore at night and sometimes get a dry mouth at night. And if you mouth breathe at night you cant get an accurate temp. I'm in the usa, what about you?

10 years ago • Post starter

Morning Liz how is the tww going? When are you going to start your testing?

It's only 2dpo for me way early to start testing.......very excited to start POAS......

My DH is also a mount breather keeps my awake during the night....can be very frustrating sometimes........

Last night I had such bad cramping on my right side I was so sure that Af would show up, 2 weeks to early for to show her ugly face......but this morning when I woke up it was all gone.......

Sticky vibes! Really hope this would be the last month waiting.......

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10 years ago

Good morning dixieheart :] The tww is going food for me so far. Already 4dpo, its going by pretty fast for me so far. What about for you? Im excited to start poas too! haha I think i'm addicted :]
I usually start testing at 8dpo. I know I wont see anything that early but I guess I think that if there was a chance that I could I would want to know as soon as I could and not miss it.
Hopefully those cramps are a good sign :] lately I have been feeling weird pressure. Kinda like if you did too many situps...that kind of feeling. Thats def a new tww symptom for me, it seems they swich up every few months.
Good luck ladies and I hope this is the month for all of us :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Liz well I also hope that your new tww symptom is a good sign....I'm having those same mild cramping now almost to sensitive to lean to my right side when I sit or stand and when I sit I almost have to bring my right knee up to my chest for comfort.....I read a few articles online today and all of them is saying these tipes of cramps has to do with ovulation so I'm not really paying much attention to it and is certain the cramping will pass very soon.......

I was so sure that I was pregnant last month.....from 10dpo I couldn't stay up past 7:30 pushing 8 I would be fast a sleep..that was a new tww symptom for me and then there was also from 9dpo I was thirsty all the time felt like I could not drink enough water during the day or at night.....

I'm glad you doing better.......feels like time is really flying...much faster than we waited to O......I'm also thinking of starting on 8dpo.....don't want to miss out on any time being pregnant......

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10 years ago

Yeah im pretty positive that anything we are feeling this soon isnt related to conception since implantation hasn't even happened yet :p But wishful thinking an never hurt :]

Yeah I've had months like that too. It makes seeing that bfn even harder. Then my mind starts going crazy like is something wrong? that's never happened before and so on and so on. Oh the joys of being a woman :] It seems like the past few months all the ladies that ive been talking to and my friend are all getting their bfp and all leaving me behind in the dust. It gets so frustrating sometimes, I'm ready for my turn haha.

Yeah I'm the same way about not wanting to miss anything. I know that the even if i was prego that getting a bfp at 8dpo will probably never happen I still can't help but try and test. Thank goodness tests are so cheap! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I'm jumping in :-) I'm either 4 or 5 dpo. By the time I took an OPK, I got a positive right away and then a negative that same night. So I think I caught it at the end of O. I am in the same boat...feeling things here and there, but no major side effects. I'm not real tired and my boobs feel great haha. I think they usually start to hurt a little by now...but maybe not. Next week will tell!! I think I'll test on Tuesday (9 DPO), if I can hold off until then. Happy weekend to you all and lots and lots of !


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10 years ago

Oh yeah...we've been using preseed for a few months now, and this month I used a softcup the day I got the +OPK. I'm taking a B complex vitamin and drinking beet juice regularly, hoping it helps gets my lining ready for a little bean to stick. I think I'll throw in some pineapple core daily starting tomorrow...just in case there's any merit to that. Some new things since just winging it hasn't worked so far!

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10 years ago

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