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TWWers for April with 2 r more follicles !!

Hi All ,

I would like to create a new group of anxious ladies who r really trying this month with 2 r more follicles ..Let us discuss and clarify our doubts like triggering,HSG and all details...Lets pour in our thoughts and have a daily conversations..!!

Welcome All..!!

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6 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi All.

I am 35 and my DH and I have been TTC for 5 years. I have had two miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy. In the early stages it seemed as though we could get pregnant but I was just having problems carrying it. But then after the ectopic 3 years ago it seemed like I couldnâ??t get pregnant at all. We took some time off from â??tryingâ?? but we certainly werenâ??t preventing. Now I am 35 and not getting any younger so we have decided to start fertility. My fertility workup came back reasons for infertility. Frustrating!!

Last month was our 1st cycle: 100mg clomid (2 mature follicles), trigger shot, timed Intercourse, progesterone, and baby aspirin. BFN!! ï??

This month we opted for IUI: 100mg clomid (3 mature follicle- TODAY), trigger shot tonight, and IUI on 4/7.

I am really hoping this is my month. I am also very happy that I found this forum because last month the TWW just about killed me.

Good Luck and Prayers to all in this FORUM. I hope you all get your BFP soon!!

11 years ago


Feeling so sorry about u..!!Pls Don't lose hope..

Mine s the same case as u..

100mg clomid,4 follicles (22X17mm,19X16mm,17X14mm,12X15mm) on Day 9 and they triggered one day after,Timing Intercourse,started taking progesterone(300mg)..I dono how about my chances of getting pg dis month..!!Let me know if u have any ideas..

What was ur size of the mature follicles??
How much mg's u intake progesterone??

Probably i wish u ll get BFP dis month..!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you so much for your kind words waiting4anangel. The TWW is the worst time to get through so every day closer to the testing date I am anxious. Im sure you understand.

To answer your questions below I didnt memorize the sizes of my follicles. I do rememebr that 2 of them were over 20. The doctor said I hit it out of the ballpark. ALthough she is always very chipper.

I am on 400mg of prgesterone a day

I hope you are doing well..crossing my fingers and toes for BFP this month!

11 years ago


wat do u mean"i hit it out of the ball park" ??Have u ever understood of what reason u got ur with mature follicles ?When r u planning to test?Im for u too..!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

I think she was just being extra encouraging about the clomid working. After she said that she then went into saying that we have a 1% chance of having triplets and a 7-8% chance of having twins. In the car on the way home my DH said.. I wanted to tell the Dr. that I feel more like we have a 7-8% chance of getting pregnant with our history.

As far as testing I am going to wait as long as I can but patience is something I am working on. :) I am 4DPO today.

Where are you in your cycle?

11 years ago


I'm on my 7 DPO..I'm not sure abt dis month..Got constipated and cramping..temp is high..wat abt u?

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11 years ago • Post starter

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