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Things I Wish I Knew with Clomid + IUI

Well we found out 6 months ago that we are unable to have children on our own. After months of different tests, finding out our doctor was an idiot, going out of town and having a cyst that stopped us from doing treatment we were finally able to start treatment this cycle. I am currently in my TTW after doing an IUI with clomid. I have been doing as much reading as possible on infertility, treatments, tests, medication, etc. I like going in prepared. There are a few things I wish someone would have told me. Here they are...

-The nurses do everything. I haven't seen my doctor in months and I'm at the doctor's office constantly. From appointments to internal ultrasounds to calendars and medication my nurses did it all.
- The nurses do this day-in and day-out. You definitely need to do research. Come in with your questions and be your own advocate. If you are like me and have to pay 1/2 of expenses don't allow them to hurry you through. You are doing everything you can to make a baby so fight for the time you need to get it done.
-Clomid is different on each person but hot flashes are the most common side effect. I didn't really have any problems.
-Once you have finished clomid and gone in to get your trigger shot your follicles need to be at least 18mm big. They prefer that they be even a little bigger.
-Don't drink much before your ultrasound. Even though I emptied my bladder before it filled back up and got in the way because I had drank coffee (decaf) that morning.
-The HCG trigger shot was worse for me then the clomid. I felt more emotional and my ovaries hurt really bad for the full 5 days. It also gives you false positive until it's out of your system so know your body when you ovulate.
-Even though they are pumping you full of medication and try to making your body do all these things your body is going to do what it wants and getting pregnant is all about timing.
-My cervix is tight and they gave me medication to put on my cervix the night before to soften it. It gave me really bad cramping and a little bleeding.
-When they insert the semen it hurts. I felt really bad cramping. But it was all manageable.
-You can't take anything after an IUI. Nothing.
- One week after doing an IUI you go in for a blood progesterone test. I was told a 10 or higher is good. My understanding is that your progesterone level tells if your follicles have released their egg. And your levels will get higher if and when you are pregnant. So Friday I am hoping for a good level.
-Two weeks after an IUI you go in for a blood pregnancy test. They will not start your next treatment if you do not get this test.
-If you are pregnant, two weeks after your positive blood test you go in for an internal ultrasound to make sure your baby is in your uterus and not your fallopian tube. And two weeks after that you get to go in and hear the heart beat! Lord please allow this!

Because of the timing this cycle I don't think the IUI worked but I am still praying for the opposite. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

3 Comments • 11 years ago



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Thank you for sharing!!! There is a good chance that we will need help getting/ staying pregnant & this kind of info is greatly appreciated so that at least we might have a small idea of what to expect...

11 years ago

Thanks for the info,praying that your wish comes true!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

11 years ago

I'm glad I could put up some helpful info.

Thank you for your prayers! I'll be praying for you as well.

11 years ago • Post starter

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