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TTC stress :(

Has anyone else found the whole process of ttcing incredibly stressful? I feel like I'm the only one in my relationship making any effort, I try and dtd with my partner every other day but it seems he finds this impossible (before ttc we only dtd once a month at most, much to my disappointment) but since we decide to ttc i thought things would be different :( Really upset and confused about what to do, wondering if I should just give up seeings how my partner finds it virtually impossible to have sex with me.

5 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Don't try to force sex. Neither of you will end up happy with the experience. It's really not necessary to dtd every other day. Just 1 or 2 that are well-timed is sufficient. Have you tried tracking your ovulation at all to figure out what day in your cycle is best? If you have a fairly normal 28 day cycle or not too far away from 28 days just try to get that once or twice a month sex sometime between 12-16 days after your period starts. You don't even have to tell your partner that it's baby making time, sometimes for guys the pressure to perform on a certain day stresses them out too much.

8 years ago

I don't mean to sound condescending but I would try and sort out the underlying problem of sex in your relationship before trying for a baby. You will not be able to get pregnant when you are stressed like this. I wish you the best :)

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8 years ago

Talk to him....tell him exactly how you feel. Work that out before you do anything....but be kind because TTC can be just as stressful on them as it is for us.

8 years ago

I had two children....surprises, but with my 3rd, we were ttc. I never had ttc before, so we were having sex because we wanted to. I will say that it is much more stressful when it feels scheduled and AF is a big disappointment. I would keep fertile dates in mind, but try to find a way to "get down" and just be with him...sometimes guys can feel used when we are caught up;)

8 years ago

I know its rare to hear from a guy on this site but I am one! LOL Anyway, my wife and I are in same boat as we were not having sex often and once it was time for baby making it was just more focus on getting it done every other day vs any actual fun. It even got to the point where my wife lost eye contact with me and was jsut trying to get the show started like i was some robot! I can't speak for your partner but I know this..once we did more foreplay and I felt special in the process thnigs were much easier for both of us. We are 10 DPO and really hoping that the extra excitement did the trick! FYI: I researched that if the man is more turned on the more young sperm come to the surface and increase in volume. Hope this help! :)

8 years ago

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