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Feeling down after miscarriage

How long will this last, im crying on and off dont want to leave the house, still having pains and nausea, abdo bloating all pregnancy symptoms but not pregnant anymore I dont know how to cope with it all and dont have anyone to talk to that would understand it, does this feeling go away? Or should I see a doctor? I don't want to be put on medication again and worried about being judged and looked at as if iman idiot what should I do is this normal any help would be aappreciated very much

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9 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 9 of 9 Answers

Sorry for your loss. Maybe talk to your Dr about things if you are confused (re symptoms). Grieving is natural andis hard to cope with.
Perhaps talk to a counceler?

8 years ago

I have been there, and you really just need time. Being depressed is a totally normal reaction to losing a child, and you need to allow yourself to grieve. My last lost was 2.5 years ago, and I still have the ultrasound pictures on my magnet board. So sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort soon.

8 years ago

Thank you for your help I just feel like im falling apart at the moment, I have a scan tomorrow to check everything and a full blood count too, they are going to check the progression of my endo, and check whats going on at the same time and I will get my results on Tuesday. Im going to book an appointment with my counsellor too, again thank you for you help xx

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8 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry for your loss. Loss of a unborn baby is a great tragedy and everyone copes differently. I had a miscarriage on the 9th Oct (which unfortunately happened to be my other son's first birthday). I felt like I couldn't really grieve as we had my mother in-law staying and friends calling most of the day. So I kind of had to keep up a front as I hadn't told any friends I was pregnant as it was still quite early. But from what I have read depression is a common response. I think it's really important to look after yourself and let your body heal but talk to your Dr as no-one should judge you for how you are feeling. Best of luck with your appointments xo

8 years ago

Im sorry for your loss too, I too never told anyone except for my DH, but I have a habit of putting a mask on around other people as I dont want to worry them, I know its the wrong thing to do but ive always done it, trying to be the strong one, but this time I just can't do it. Im hoping to get answers from all the tests because since weve been ttc ive suffered 2 cps and now 2 e/m in the space of 10 months which makes me feel like its my fault. But thank you I will try and speak to my doctor on Tuesday about how I feel. Xx

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8 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry for your loss as I had miscarried my son at 12 weeks in July it is very hard for me as well to deal with it as well my boyfriend is there for me when I need to cry as my son is now in heaven but remember u have your guardian angel watching over you I still get upset when I see pregnant women and get angry why my angel got taken so soon I never went to talk with anyone about it and I don't want to right now it's still so fresh in my mind. I want you to know that it will take everyone their own time to cope but don't let anyone ever tell you to get over it because it is and will always be your baby hope my situation lets you know your not alone

8 years ago

Hi, sorry for your loss. I can relate after losing my first child at 12 weeks, that was in July and i still cry now, however it does get easier with time. I hope you are ok :( xx

8 years ago

Thank you everyone, I keep getting asked if im ok by my partner and the only thing I can say to him is "I dont know" but you have helped me by telling me about you and your angel babies amd I dont feel like I have to hide my feelings any more, it just felt like because I hadnt told anyone as I wanted to wait till 13 weeks no one would understand, and obviously I never got to tell anyone and they will just think that im being silly, but a loss is a loss no matter how far you are in your pregnancy. And with the symptoms I think im trying to hang on to them as I dont want it to be real. I get that now, I suppose I was expecting a miracle and now I realise that. Thank you. Im just glad to know im not alone. i am so sorry for your losses too xx

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hey just wondering how you are doing? Been thinking f you. Don't ever think that the m/c's are your fault as unfortunately these things are completely out of our hands. Unfortunately I don't feel I have any great insight into why sometimes people who want their babies the most go through such heartbreaking loss but life sometimes life is very unfair. I don't think you should ever feel bad about grieving as this is the normal process you need to go through to cope with these situations. Sending you a big hug x

8 years ago

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