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What have you found to be a successful method to getting preggo?

My husband and I have been trying for years to get preggo..we have been successful twice but both ended in miscarriage. We are both in the military and I am currently in Turkey and he is stateside. I feel like we have one shot to get it right when I visit in a couple months and want to know what people have found to be the most successful method

5 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

"Method" - are you looking for answers timing-wise, supplement -wise, bd-wise or all of those areas?

9 years ago

To be completely honest anything...I have read so many different things and I can't possibly try them all when I have one least until mar 2016 then I'll have plenty of time to get back on a real TTC schedule. I'm hoping there is stuff I can do for my body now to prepare...I've heard about fertility massage, vitex, maca root, yoga positions etc. I have had no luck with the military getting me to see a specialist so drugs like clomid are out of the question. Thanks!

9 years ago • Post starter

To get the timing right: BBT charting and OPKs. To enhance fertile mucus: borage seed oil or evening primrose oil. In addition try pre seed (sperm friendly) and/or mucinex. Supplements that enhance egg quality need to be taken for 3-4 months on a regular basis before you see a benefit to the eggs. (This is the amount of time it takes for an egg to get "ready" prior to ovulation). For egg quality: ubiquinol, DHEA (dont take if you have PCOS), google the combination of myo-inositol with melatonin; royal jelly is good. Important: prenatal vitamin, additionally a vit b complex, folic acid, vit D. Google pycnogenol and l-arginine. Have your hubby take vitamins also, centrum silver for men is good. Read up on nutrition and fertility. Lots of dark leafy greens, an egg a day, no sugar, eliminate dairy and wheat products. Take fishoil daily. Eliminate caffeine, no smoking. These are just suggestions. Look into what might be helpful to you. Message me if you like. Bes

9 years ago

Best wishes :)

9 years ago

I forgot to mention that fertility acupuncture and Maya abdominal massage is an excellent way to improve blood circulation and therefore fertility. I have been doing both for a while, no BFP yet but this is related to my "advanced age".

9 years ago

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