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What is happening to me??

I have had 3 BFP on days 14,15, and 17 dpo. I just went to the rest room and I am spotting. What is happening to me? Am I having miscarriage? I am so sacred. We have been ttc for over a year. Does anyone I any info for me. I not due to go to the Dr. until Tuesday.

8 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Some spotting is normal. You should only worry if you have extremely painful cramps, heavy bleeding & passing clots.

11 years ago

Spotting can be normal for some people. Try to take it easy and see if it slows. If you are having a m/c it'll continue and get heavier and turn into a real bleed. Although some women even have bright red blood and go on to have a normal pregnancy. It's so hard to know! I wouldn't be too worried of it is just a little spot every now and then. Hopefully everything is fine

11 years ago

Yes, take it easy for now. Did you have a bowel movement?? How much spotting ? Any cramping? wish you the best. Praying all is well.

11 years ago

I bled with one of mine and he is now a lovely 13 yr old i have also had 2 miscarriges one at 8 weeks i bled alot and one at 19 wks and hardly bled at all but that was awful you should go and get a scan to see why its happening though you cannot really stop it happening give us an update please X

I have 6 children 3 girls 3 boys 2 miscarriges 8 weeks(1997) and 18.5 weeks (8th march 2013)

11 years ago

I'm on 18 DPO and I just had some light brown spotting too! I'm also so scared after recent early m/c. My Husband says not to worry! But, I can't help it. I've been have really strong cramps too! BBs are big and sore still.

Hoping for you!

11 years ago

I went to the hospital yesterday. They took did a blood test and an ultrasound. My HCG was 158 and my ultrasound didn't show anything at all. They told me to get re-tested in a few days. With the information the got they said it was just to soon to tell what was going on. I have had no spotting today. So I go to my doc on Friday for another blood test. I will update again when I get my results. Thanks for all your answers and support ladies. Baby dust and sticky thoughts....

11 years ago • Post starter

I got my blood test results my hcg has risen to 800. They did an ultra sound today and saw a sac but nothing else yet.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey hun did you hace a mc or was it all ok? Similar thing happening to me xxx

10 years ago

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