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What does my Progesterone test results mean?

I could really use some help so I don't go crazy this weekend until my nurses is back in the office. I just received my results and I need help knowing what to think. I am currently 8 dpiui. I had a progesterone test yesterday, CD 19, and the results were 7.90. When I had my ultrasound last week (Thursday, CD 11) my larges follicle was only 15.5 mm. They wanted them to be at least 18mm but sense they are closed on weekends and then they were closed for Christmas eve & day (Monday & Tuesday) we went ahead with the IUI on Friday, CD 12. I don't think I actually ovulated until Saturday (CD 13) night or Sunday (CD 14) morning.

From everything I have been reading the progesterone test should be done on CD 21 & mine was done on CD 19. The level my nurse was wanting was at least 10 or higher. Is it possible that the test was just done too early? Is there still the possibility that I could be pregnant? or should I just hope for next months IUI?

2 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 2 of 2 Answers

I understand why they did the IUI Friday but it does sound a bit early if your largest follicle was 15.5. I think it's likely you did not ovulate until Sunday, but two days may be okay. Your progesterone is low for pregnancy. 20 is good. I take supplements and one time mine was 274 and the next time, I only took a fraction of the supplements and it was still over 100.

It's entirely possible they tested too early. I don't know how or when the increase kicks in - after implantation or before, but I know that it does increase during the entire pg.

Did you do a trigger shot and how many follicles did you have? I'm doing IUI in Feb. and hoping to get about 4-5 good follicles but I'm doing the super meds they use with IVF. I'll do a few rounds as it's only $350 here.

Anyway, next time, if you only have a few follicles, ask them for a trigger shot. It will release them all (so you could get twins) but will increase your chances for a BFP. :)

11 years ago

Thanks for your reply Socigirl. I thought it might be too low to be pregnant. They did give me a trigger shot the day before my IUi. Sorry, I forgot to add that in my info/question. My nurse told me something about the results but I can't seem to remember what she said other then a 10 or higher is better. I'm guessing we'll be doing another IUI in January.

11 years ago • Post starter

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