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What constitutes a positive OPK?

For the last 6 days Ive been getting a think dark line with the rest being light. From counter level it looks positive because of that thin dark line. I noticed that a lot of other peoples opk images do the same thing. Is this a true positive?

6 Answers • 13 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 6 of 6 Answers

I'm having the same issue. I think that if I don't get pregnant this time around, I'm going to buy the clear blue test with the happy faces instead of lines. Maybe you should try that.

13 years ago

Most of mine in my fertile window had a darker line while the rest was pale and they took a while to develop whereas the control line came out straight away. I increased the amount of tests I took (3 or 4 a day) and managed to catch when it got darker and the test line actually started showing before the control started. the part that was usually light had actually turned as dark/ a little darker than the control line. It was VERY noticeable, though not as bright as those perfect looking + OPK's floating around the Internet ;) I had a more expensive OPK to double check with, but honestly I think you will know for sure when it's positive and think to yourself "oh, so that's what they look like!" like I did. good luck!

13 years ago

It's too bad that the digital ones are so expensive. That's what I was using until CD 18 & I couldn't believe I hadn't O'd yet so I switched to the cheapies & still nothing. Thank you both for answering my question

13 years ago • Post starter

that they are! The ones I can buy in my country are around $40 for 5... but they're not really digital. They just don't show anything on the test line until it's the right day. I was ready to give up yesterday until I saw I had one of the pricey ones left and used it to double check the result with the cheaper strip. If you can buy them singly where you are I would advise it for double checking. If not, just go by what you feel is right and BD! :)

13 years ago

13 years ago

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12 years ago

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