What women are saying

Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst

Page 10

Tiamarieasu  11 years ago
I was 9dpo last night and had CRAZY dry mouth. I couldn't get enough water. So far, I'm fine this morning.


Blommie  11 years ago
a few times during the day (8dpo) i realized - wow my mouth is DRY


britterzvoice  11 years ago
i am not sure if i am pregnant but i am super super thirstyy .......




Mrs.Jenn  11 years ago
8 dpo super thirsty if i dont have something to sip on my throat gets super sore and hurts so baf.


TheaterGeek  11 years ago
9dpo-CANNOT STOP DRINKiNG...i dont even drink water normally-but now im guzzling it


AlwaysHopeful  11 years ago
I have been so thirsty, no matter what I drink it doesnt help and I wake up from being so thirsty!! im 11dpo now.


cbanville  11 years ago
I've had over 72 oz of water today- can't get enough. This was a huge symptom for me last time I was pg


Myjoy3  11 years ago
10 dpo metallic taste


TWG1101  11 years ago
Can't get enough water!


jellybeen  11 years ago
8 dpo- Feel really dehydrated..


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