What women are saying


Page 6

jujube82  7 years ago
8dpo very gassy started yesterday


lawerking1992  7 years ago
Im 11 dpo , I have been having terrible gas since right after ovulation , have not had this before.


themrs123115  7 years ago
4 dpo the gas started very early never had this before




cheekspodlet  7 years ago
burping seems to have calmed down 11 days po is this normal ??? xxx


cheekspodlet  7 years ago
im burping like theres no tomorrow also short term memorys gone and i keep dropping things l,,, heads up my arse as im 47 im 9 days po today


Cookyyy  7 years ago
9 DPO, passing gas like crazy at work and spraying my body mist and apologizing. Lol.


fiestysinglemama  7 years ago
i have had severe increase in gas since about 6 dpo. it also tends to have a stronger odor than normal regular gas functions


Chey135  8 years ago
Very gassy 16dpo


MaybeTwins2016  8 years ago
12 dpo very gassy. Mainly belching and now constipated


MaybeTwins2016  8 years ago
12 dpo very gassy. Mainly belching and now constipated


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