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Posts by meemo122791

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Af 2 days late then brown blood?

My period was due Saturday, today I had about a teaspoons worth of brown blood with some pink. I checked a fe ...

1 Answer      

Latest 9 years ago



Trying for #2, Af late BFN

My DH and I are trying for #2, af was due yesterday and this morning i test and got a bfn, is anyone else havi ...

1 Answer      

Latest 9 years ago





May/June Babies in the Works!

Hi ladies my DH and I art trying for #2 this cycle. If we succeed then our little one will be due end of may e ...

1 Reply      

Latest 10 years ago



BFN : 4 days late still no AF

Ok so, My cycles have been anywhere from 34 to 30 days lately. Last month AF came Almost a week early, and now ...

1 Reply      

Latest 10 years ago



Tried for baby # 2, 3 months after having baby #1

Hey ladies, I just had my first born 3 months ago and my husband and i decided to try for a second baby so the ...

1 Reply      

Latest 10 years ago



The 9 month wait :)

Hey everyone this is group for all the women who get a bfp over the next few months. I got my bfp today and no ...

38 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago





Looking for a TTC friend

Hey, I'm 21 years old and married. My SO and I have been trying to conceive for 2 months now going on 3 this m ...

9 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago


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