Replies by mkm413

Replies 41 - 50

Yes, it's possible, especially having just come off BC recently. Expect your cycles to be irregular for a while until your body gets used to doing its own thing again.

10 years ago
Reply to Ovulation Question


I personally wouldn't skip a cycle just to avoid having a baby on someone else's birthday. It's not selfish... getting pregnant is pure luck in the first place, so it's not like you could do it intentionally. Besides, have you asked your brother how he feels about it? He might like the idea of getting a niece or nephew for his birthday this year.

Just my 2 cents... hope all turns out the way you'd like!

10 years ago
Reply to Considering not TTC this month...



You are completely and totally justified in terminating for a reason like that. You love your little girl so much that you were willing to let her go to avoid making her go through a lifetime of pain. That's a sign of incredible strength and kindness in my opinion, not a bad person.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to send me a message. I have never had a similar experience (never been pregnant sadly) but I'm here for you.

10 years ago
Reply to I TFMR 8 months ago. Feeling regret, does it ever get easier?


Being overweight can possibly diminish your ability to conceive, although as the previous posters mentioned, some women aren't affected by this.

I personally am 5'4" and about 183 lbs. TTC for 3.5 years now and still no baby, but due to my weight (which throws my hormones out of balance horribly) I've only had like 7 periods since I've been TTC and I never used to ovulate. Since I started losing weight 6 months ago, I've had 4 periods and ovulated every cycle so far. It really is amazing what difference a little weight loss makes.

Sorry to get off on a preachy tangent like that. We are all different, but what works for me may still work for someone else! If you aren't monitoring your cycle already, you might want to look into OPKs and/or BBT charting, which will help pinpoint ovulation so you know exactly when you should be having intercourse. Wherever your TTC journey takes you, best of luck!

10 years ago
Reply to For the plus size ladies on here. How long did it take for you to get pregnant with you first baby?


Totally not trying to sound pessimistic, so I'm really sorry if that's how this comes off, but as someone who has YEARS of experience not getting periods, I have to say it's very possible that you had a random anovulatory cycle. Some women still get their period after an anovulatory cycle and never know they didn't ovulate, but others (like me) can go months or years without a period afterward.

Like the PP said, call your doctor. I'm sure the first thing they'll do is a blood hCG test so you would know very soon after the draw whether or not you're pregnant. Good luck and take care of yourself either way!

10 years ago
Reply to My period is WEEKS late, but BFN on tests???


I personally have not (I find the idea a bit gross) but I've met 2 or 3 women who swear that's how they got pregnant. They were trying to avoid pregnancy by having intercourse they were "least" fertile (that's what they believed, anyway). I suppose if they were telling the truth, everyone TTC should be "trying" during their period!

10 years ago
Reply to Sex while on period


Intercourse the day of ovulation really doesn't make a difference. Statistically, it's intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation that results in pregnancy since the egg is only viable for 12-24 hours and the sperm take quite some time to travel to it. You said you had intercourse for the last 3 days, so your chances are pretty high. Good luck!

10 years ago
Reply to Do I Have to have sex the day of the big O?


I agree with FF as far as your temps are concerned, but I'm confused by the + OPK on CD 20. You shouldn't still get a + after O, I don't think... granted, I don't use OPK's, so I may be wrong.

Looks like your chart is going triphasic... good luck! :)

10 years ago
Reply to When to test?


You could try the Shettles Method, which involves having intercourse far enough ahead of ovulation that the weaker "male" sperm theoretically die off by the time the egg is released, leaving only the stronger "female" sperm behind to fertilize it. Just Google "Shettles Method" and you should be able to find all the info you need on how to do it.

It's not guaranteed that you'll get the gender you try for, however. The most successful way is to do gender selection IVF.

10 years ago
Reply to I have two boys and hoping for a girl can I make this possible??


I can't think of any reason why an ovarian cyst would cause you to get a positive HPT. Sounds like you may be experiencing a chemical pregnancy. Hopefully that's not the case, but you should call your doctor if your period is officially late and request testing to see if you are/were pregnant.

Best wishes to you.

10 years ago
Reply to Can a ovarian cyst cause a false positive?
