Replies by SandraK

Replies 31 - 40


You are the second to the know this. I had to jump on to share. Took frer test today as this is the first month in 13 months since trying, that I have had no spotting/bleeding. I had bad cramping 2 days ago, but that is normal for me every month. But, no spotting and light bleeding like I normally have for a few days before period.

I'm 11 dpo, and 2nd pink line on frer showed up right away this afternoon. I was shaking and crying. Husband went out and bought digital, and it showed up "pregnant". I'm so nervous and shaking still. I attempted to upload pictures, and the pictures are coming up too large. I will try to resize and post tomorrow.

I still can't believe this. Doctor ran labs Wednesday and was going to start me on clomid next week. I'm calling tomorrow. Pray for me and this baby!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Goodmorning ladies!

I just read up on everyone posts, and it's been great to read all the updates.

First thing, DBj, ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, Congratulations!! So exciting you got your bfp! Hopefully we all will be joining you soon!

Lucasmommy, I read the article you posted. Thanks! It's encouraging to hear that others can relate to our journey. Sometimes I feel so alone, and especially with having kids, and then now having trouble to conceive this time around, it can be hard. The comments and opinions can be hard at times. I wish you well on your diet journey! The 17 day diet and weight watchers helped me lose +45 lbs after my daughter and return to pre-kids weight. Just take your time, stick with it, and know the lbs will come off with time and perserverance. I hope you will stay on here or check in with us!

Amanda, do you O ovulate?! Hopefully soon!

Zuberi & momma c, how are you ladies feeling? Any symptoms? I hope to hear some bfp's soon!

I showed a +opk ovulation last Tuesday and Wednesday. I just went in for my 7 day blood test this morning for progesterone and prolactin. Then once I get my period (hopefully not though,and we somehow got pregnant!), then I would go in day 3 of new cycle for other hormone test. I will keep you all updated on my results. Im approx. 7 dpo, and now just in the "waiting" game for lab results and to hear from my doctor. We still tried this month and were busy last week , so hopefully all these labs really won't be necessary and I miracously got pregnant instead. Oh, that would be so, so so, great.

Hope your all having a good week!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!



Hi ladies,

It sounds like a lot of Ovulation time going on!! Yay! Can't wait to hear more updates and some news of BFP's this month!!

I had my appt. on May 1st. It went really good in the sense that I felt very understood and listened to. Based on my symptoms, my past problems in pregnancy with progesterone, and also my lab work I brought in (the 6.4 progesterone level at 7 dpo), doctor feels I'm either not ovulating (like my body is gearing up for it, but doesn't), or possibly ovulating, but very porrly due to a luteal phase/progesterone defect. He wants more of his own labs run first (another 7 dpo lab to be done, then cd 3 lab), then based on those results, he will call me, and wants to start a low dosage of clomid. He will start that once the other labs come in. he said with those 3's (the 6.4), tyhat is why I haven't been able to get pregnant for last 12 cycles. Even though I do show a +opk, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm actually ovulating, or even "good" ovulation. A little confused on "poor" ovulation since I assume once you pop an egg out, you pop an egg out?

I shared my concerns about clomid. I always thought that was treated for not ovulating or someone who hasn't been able to have any kids. I didn't realize they give it to even someone who has had kids. I was so wrong with my misperceptions. He explained and said they treat low progesterone with this, which results in better ovulation, which therefore increases the progesterone every month. He said it does slightly increase chances of twins, but not likely due to dosage he starts with. BUT, I know two people who have had twins on taking just clomid alone, so I know I have to assume that could be a posssibility. I have been reading a ton trying to educate myself on things like side effects, chances of multiples, etc..

I'm due to ovulate in the next few days... waiting for the +opk test, then we will try again. He then wants me to do do labs 7-8 days after the +opk. Then once af arrives, then another blood test day 3. Then after that, he will call and give me results, and his plan for meds. I figure we have this next week to try again, then about another 2 weeks before I hear from him.

That is my update. Happy Friday ladies!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies!! Happy Tuesday!

We had family in town, and today was the first day I was able to get online to check in with you all. I have read up on all the posts, and hoping this is a great month for us all.

Lucasmommy, I smiled so much when I read your post! ahhh!!! I hope, I hope, I hope! I'm so excited for you! Please keep us updated!

your in-laws sound like mine! good luck with their visit, and hope it goes well. Mine were jsut here the last few days and kind of the same thing. I feel like I'm taking care of an extra two kids when they stay with us. Hopefully O happens when they leave, so you can enjoy your time.

Zuberi, so glad to hear you are going with the flow and feeling relaxed. Have you O ovulated yet?

Amanda, I enjoyed reading yor update from the docotor. it sounds very promising and I would imagine a relief from all the ups and downs the last few months.

Want1more, welcome!! glad you can join us all in this ttc journey! It's been a great outlet for me to feel supported in this.

Mommac-, how is it going?

AFM, I see my doctor tomorrow for the big appointment. I have waited 5 weeks for this appointment. Can I just say I am nervous? I know that may seem wierd, but I just heard in the past everything was fine since I have already had kids, etc... I felt so blown off. But after having my daughter in 2010, I have had irregular cycles and lots of issues. I KNOW it's hormonal related, and I just want to be taken seriously if that makes sense. My last pregnancy with my daughter in 2009, I also had to have prog. injections during pregnancy due to bleeding.

I do have my lab results to bring in (the one that showed progesterone at 6.4 at 7 dpo.). Not sure what he will say or think? All I know is that when I wrote out my cycles last night from this last year, they are all over the place. Also, my period arrives 10-11 days after my +opk. I have light bleeding that starts usually around 8 dpo that I have written down, and then the full period arrives day 10/11 from that +opk. If you don't ovulate for 24-36 hours from that +opk test, then that leaves 9 days for a luteal phase, plus the days before that with light bleeding. I have had left side pain since 2010 that has got much worse in my last 3 cycles too, and so curious about that. I also have a lot of hair shedding for the last 6 months. I'm not talking just a little from having long hair, but full on shed like yo get once you have a baby. Everything feels so out of tune, and it's been over a year of waiting to figure this out. Whew. Sorry for the long vent. I'm eager, nervous, and anxious about tomorrow. I just want some answers or some better clarity.

I will keep you all updated. Hope all is well!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies!

Checking in!

Af arrived (actually early). I had such wretched cramps and spotting for 3 days, and then it arrived yesterday with heavy flow. The cramping started 6/7 dpo, and lots of spotting followed and cramps continued. The pain has been so hard the last 3 cycles too with this same type of pattern. Af arrived 10 days post ovulation if I ovulated when I thought I did. My last +opk (smile face) was Friday/12th.

Just called my doctor office, and they said on the phone my prog. level came back at 6.4. BUT, that is 7 dpo when that lab was done. I got that lab done last Friday/19th. The lady said, "that is normal". She was just the secretary at the front desk, and this office is only a general MD office, NOT a gyn or ob office or fertility place. I see my gyn doctor for a fertility makeup (consulation, tests, etc..) on May 1st.

Huh? Really? Everything online says progesterone should be a level 10 or higher post-ovulation at 7 dpo to sustain a pregnancy to happen. Is that right? Is 6.4 normal for 7 dpo?

My last pregnancy, I spotted and bled after ovulation for a few days, and then tested positive for pregnancy. The spotting and bleeding never let up. I only tested because it was too early in my cycle to be cramping and bleeding for AF to show up. I looked at my journal I had back then, and it says my progesterone was at a 8 on the day of my positive pregnancy test. Bleeding continued for 2 more weeks in that pregnancy, and I was put on progesterone injections. My daughter will be 3 this summer.

Everything I feel physically points to a progesterone problem. I strongly feel like that is why we aren't getting pregnant. I haven't cramped on my AF actually, it's the 2-3 days leading up to AF arriving where I feel an intense surge of hormones, combined with horrible cramps and spotting throughout those days. Not a little bit of spotting, but lots. The pain is bad too, and I'm very tolerable with pain.

That is my update. See my gyn on May 1st, and hoping he gives me something for progesterone, or some answers. I get tired of hearing things like, "you got pregnant before". Everything changed after having my daughter. My cycles became irregular, and the spotting and early periods keep coming. I always get a +opk and have the physical signs of ovulation, but it's the second half of the cycle that my body seems super off on.

Today is cd 2, so I'm close to you all with this month starting a new cycle. Hopeful for us all!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Also, forgot to mention that the day before yesterday, I took a frer. It appeared to be negative. I left it on the bathroom counter (dind't throw it away) as I got distracted with my daughter. I came back to see it (about 3 hours later), and there was a very visible second pink line. BUT, that was after the time limit obviously, so not sure if that is what is considered a evaporation line from what I hear, and also not even valid because it was considerably after the time limit. I SO disliked seeing that second line because I knew it meant nothing because it was 3 hours later. It so stinks! It wasn't grey or indented, but a clear pink line. I only had one test, so couldn't test with another. I did use a digital yesterday morning my friend gave me and that was negative. So, obviously probably not pregnant.

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Goodmorning ladies!

Headed to a field trip with my oldest, but wanted to jump on to let you know how disappointed and frustrated I am.

A little background again, +opk Thursday, & Friday morning (11th & 12th). I don't temp. due to not being able to do it consistently with getting up in middle of night on some nights and awoken early or abruptly with little ones. But, we use the digital and I get those smile faces,a nd have lots of other physical signs of ovulation.

It's about a week after ovulation in my last few months of cycles where I feel so crappy. So, I started cramping a lot Thursday/18th/19th. Then started yesterday/21st, brown and mucus spotting. This morning (22nd) had pink spotting and lots more of brown mucus with cramps.

I had this with my daughter (thought I wasn't pregnant), and ended up I was. I had to be on progesterone shots (injections) started at week 5 due to all the spotting and which then turned into bleeding. I also had a very low prog. level too.

So, the last 3 cycles have been like what I described above. I thought almost for sure last month I was pregnant because around 8 dpo lots of cramps and then brown discharge. Then the cramps would continue and the spotting on and off. I almost describe this wierd hormonal sensation last cycle and this one... almost feel like I'm pregnant, and my body is trying to implant, but it's ridding it. I can't explain it clearly, but something feels so off. Then around 4-5 days after all the excessive cramping and spotting, I get my period. Then the period is way less painful-minimal bleeding (3 days at most), then the actual 6-7 days leading up to my period. These days leading up to my period have been so painful with cramps and spotting the last 3 cycles.

I awoke 3 times last night with the only way I can describe is like a mini labor... lots of cramps and then the spotting. So discouraged today. I really feel strongly I have a imbalance in my hormones and short luteal phase. Especially considering my history with both my pregnancies with low prog. My dr. would always say in the past that my levels were low, but not a problem to not get pregnant. He was kind, but just didn't seem to be concerned because he said I got pregnant before.

But here we are, 7 months last year of trying, then another 5 months, (12 total) and still not pregnant, and I have these wretched cramps and spotting episodes about a week period arrives.

I hate everytime I go to the bathroom this morning I have all this brown mucus, and it feels like such a blaring reminder how off my body is.

Thanks for listening!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies!

So much to catch up on!

Amanda, sorry about your appointment with the chaos that day. Hope the rescheduled Thursday appointment goes much smoother and you can get some answers to all that is going on and your symptoms. How are you feeling?

Zuberi, Boo-hoo! Blah! Sorry af showed up!

Mommac, how are you feeling? Have you tested again?

DJ, so sorry to hear about your cat too. I hope the last few days have been okay with such a hard thing. How are you doing? Also, have you tested again?

Lm, you still have time! I have two friends who each had babies at 41. Glad you got the referral you were hoping for.

I think I'm about 8 dpo. I don't feel anything other than some cramps yesterday and the day before, but that is kind of normal for me for the last few months right before af showing up. Last month, I cramped so much 6-7 dpo, and I thought it was something, but af showed her ugly face 7 days later. I do have sore breasts too right now, but again, that is kind of normal at this point. I plan to take a test Thursday morning because hubby is going in that afternoon for a sperm count (my dr. is requiring that before we see him on may 1st). Husband and I were saying yesterday oh how wonderful it would be to avoid that part. But, our dr.'s office says it's part of the beginning stages of checking things out. blah.

Anyways, hope you ladies have a great rest of the weekend!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Goodmorning ladies!

I finally was able to get a little breath to jump on here and say hello. It's been just one of those weeks! So, just checking in, and sounds like you all are doing well. Zuberi and djohnson, sounds like you have some promising symptoms too! Yay! Can't wait to hear more updates!

Thanks ladies too for all your advice/input about when to do the bloodwork for progesterone. I unfortunately can't temp because I still get up 1-2 times at night with little ones (a bad dream, having to pee, etc..), and my mornings too are not consistent with being awaken or getting up for them. So, I just do what I can and use the digital opk's. Those clearblue ones with the smile faces for a +. I'm able to use a packet of 20 over a 2-month time period, so it doesn't seem too bad with the $ part. I love the digital ones as it takes out the guessing for me, especially since I don't temp.

I'm able to watch the line darken/progress (once I take the stick out, and I can compare them over days) ,and it aligns right when I get my smile face +. I do have other physical symptoms like lots of EWCM, and feeling more "frisky" around those days. I really wish I could temp to be more accurate and to "know for sure" if I'm actually ovulating (and since I know the smile face +opk doesn't necssarily mean I ovulated that month, I get nervous if I am or not?). I sure hope so though!

Anyways, I'm getting the bloodwork done this Friday. I had a +opk last Thursday afternoon, and then Friday morning (smile faces), so hoping that is enough days from then to this Friday for accuracy to check my progesterone?

It's been quite busy around here, so it's actually been kind of nice this month as I haven't been able to be as in-tuned to the body. I have been disappointed and "thought" I was for sure pregnant so many months, so I'm trying my very best to not think about it this month. BUT... that isn't very easy for me!

DbJohnson, how old is your little one? Hope you can have fun in-doors due to the rain! Maybe some rounds of hide-n-seek, or turn on some music and run around to get his wiggles out, or build a fort with some sheets against a table/chairs, or if all else fails, give him some cups and spoons, and let him play wild in the bath!

Glad to hear from you all, and can't wait to hear some news of some this week or weekend from some of you!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Meant to say "progesterone checked",
NOT progesterone "taken".

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!
