Replies by jtomsic

Replies 31 - 40

Totally possible to never notice or even have IB, from all that I have read very few women actually do. With my first I never had any sort of cramp twinge or color that was in any way off so dont give up any hope if you dont see pik, I am more gutted when I see pink than excited because color is also an indicator of af.
So a little more pink this morning but all gone by 7am. and now no tiny hint of color.
BFN yesterday with fmu frer so it's gotta be af???? but then again she is still not expected for two more days and if its ib I would have gotten bfn.
This is why we are all crazy!

12 years ago
Reply to implantation bleeding question


a little more pink today so Im sure im out, couple days early though so bring on the clomid!
Been wondering about you though, whats happening???

12 years ago
Reply to POAS Addicts anonymous!!



I am day 30 of a 34 day cycle 13dpo and still getting bfn hpt's but nearly + opk's. I am pretty sure that it is just lh still fluctuating. on the peeonastickadict website the progression of the two comparisons the opk was only positive after she had gotten a + hpt and the month she was not pg she got near + around af. I am still testing just to see but trying not to take to much hope from a near + with a bfn hpt.

12 years ago
Reply to Positive OPK neg HPT?????


ef99744- as a poas addict how often do you see a second line girl? YAY YAY YAY! Frame those too.... it's another line. save the whole page of progression for the baby book girl. Keep testing till you get a dark one and be sure to keep us updated.
Yay it does happen, these tests really can show two lines
I am still four days before unwelcome af, and have started a major increase in cm, which turned a very light pinkish brown mostly light brown. I think I'm on my way out. Have a script to start clomid so if shes gonna show she better hurry so I can start swallowing those magic little pills
Cant wait to hear how it goes for you!!!

12 years ago
Reply to POAS Addicts anonymous!!


I am also wondering about ib. I am 13 dpo but have a 34 day cycle so am 4 days before period. Have been getting lots of negatives since 11 dpo, then today out of the blue loads of cm turning very light pinkish brown tonite, dont think I would have even noticed the color but had put on a whit pantyliner because of the increased cm and against the white it stands out. I do usually start to sopt a little brown a couple days before af, but not 4 and not this litght with the increased cm. I hope, I hope, I hope. This is our 8th cycle trying since my son was stillborn, and I am begining to go a little crazy. I have a script from my doc to start clomid but really wanted to make it this last attempt all natural. hmmmmm
PI have heard test 3 days after supposed ib and you should get clear results. Good luck let us know what you find out.

12 years ago
Reply to implantation bleeding question


I have almost filled an entire notebook page with all of the sticks I have pee'd on tapeing them so that I could see any line progression. I figured the internet cheapie sticks were not quite enough so I also bought a couple boxes of midstream(showing only one line) that I just cant throw away until af shows. I have not peed on anything today though and feeling pretty proud. I am 13 dpo but have a 34 day cycle so I am still 6 days before af. getting neg. on hpt and not a positive opk but darker a line that has continullly gottten darker since its dissapearance shortly after ov.
Feeling soo sick and tired and so bloated I fully look prego. like 4 months prego.
Going to try and hold on till at least thursday before I start peeing again, this week was to dissappointing.
And evap lines are soo awefull.
I hope soon all of us poas addicts get one with such dark lines its worth framing
Think positive thoughts girls

12 years ago
Reply to POAS Addicts anonymous!!


I feel the same, Its so great to have others obsessing over how their (.)(.)'s cervical mucus and peeing on things daily.HOME~

12 years ago
Reply to AF due around 14 Sept -Does she even know she's not welcome?


sometimes innocence can be the best ingrediant for a relaxing labor, with each new "what could go wrong" I have learned and with my own personal experiences of what did go wrong, I am scared to death about the next time. All the info possible can still not prepare you for when something does go wrong, you will still be thinking there is no way this is happening to me. and every case is so very different and individual it usually turns to a make it as you go plan anyway.
My best advice for a more enjoyable labor.... get the epidural asap and then enjoy daddy's company or anyone else with you. relax, make plans, take pictures, write a birth day journal to give your child later in life, how great for them and their family to be able to read how you were feeling while you were waiting to welcome them.. and words other than PAIN!
SO much can go wrong its amazing there are babies who make it, just try to relax and not think about all of it, "enjoy the journey"!

12 years ago
Reply to Helpful tips about the birthing process...


so frustrating, sorry your dealing with such uncertainty. I hope everything turns out good for you, the only advice I can really think is to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Like many of us I am sure you are getting "used to" the monthly dissappointment so again you need to prepare just in case and still that will make any good news that much sweeter. good luck! deffinatly post what you find out. I have heard all sorts of miracle stories so a bfp would not suprise me.

12 years ago
Reply to Need some pozitive words


Oops, I got my brands wrong:) Formosa is the brand for the Internet cheapies & first response not answer on the two week + ones. He he.

12 years ago
Reply to Suggestions for which opk tests to use.
