Replies by Corvina1981

Replies 31 - 40

Tomorrow is the SA! I am so worried he won't "be able to put it in the cup" as I have been referring to it, lol. For a man with low drive to begin with due to low-t and a wife who demands sex on a regular basis, I have a feeling this will be a challenge. He admitted that he has not taken care of bussiness for himself in over two years because (even before his testosterone dipped) he had no reason to because he had me, lol. No lube, no saliva, no water and no vaginal fluid can be in the sample. I told him I will help him as best as I can, but there isn't really a whole lot I can do. I am worried that not only will it not "work" for him, but that he may also have some anxiety about this (I know I do!) and that will make things even harder (or not harder, lol). I wish there was an easier way to do this!

13 years ago
Reply to BYOB: Bring on some BFP's!!


It is possible that your cycle is messed up, but it is also possible that your could be pregnant. Did you have a d&c? The reason I ask is cousin had a m/c lasst year and was allowed to resume intercourse once she stopped bleeding (2 weeks or so). Two months after the d&c, she realized her period never did come back, so she took a test out of pure curiosity and sure enough, she was pregnant. A d&c often causes you to be VERY fertile for the first cycle or two after you have one done. It is also possible that your body is not back to normal yet. Sometimes it take a couple, even a few months to start having a normal period again after a m/c. I would wait a few days, test again and if it is a bfn with still no signs of af, call your doctor so he can check to make sure nothing else more serious is going on.

13 years ago
Reply to Question for you ladies!



I do not understand why he will not let you get a pet. Pets are VERY therapeutic. I know with all of my depression lately, my cats, ferrets and my son's bunny have all been such lifesavers. I start crying and the cats are immediately by my side to love on me and try to make me feel better. One lets me hold him like he is a teddy bear without fighting at all and just purrs so loud and squeaky, it makes me laugh when I am crying. I understand fully how you resent your husband right now. It does not seem he is being very supportive in all this, but think of it this do not handle emotions nor do they process information in the same way we do. Women are very detail-oriented and emotional. Men are very single-faceted and do not seem to comprehend infinte words such as "never" and "forever." They also are NOT good with emotions. A lot of that is biology, but a lot is also society. Men are not "supposed" to be emotional. If they feel the slightest emotion coming on, they shut it out and turn themselves off so they do not have to deal with it. I do not think this is the time to make a hasty decision because you are in a compromised state of mind. Have you considered marriage counseling? If that is not an option, I would suggest coffee or a long dinner in a very public place. Do not tell him you want to talk about your feelings and thoughts, just get him there. Being in a public place, there is a less of a chance of anything escalating into an argument and less chance of (too many) tears being shed. Perhaps you two can come to a resolution that way.

As for me, I am pissed. I just called my doctor's office to see when my HSG will FINALLY be scheduled and I was told to expect a call later this week. I did not even have to give her my name because apparently, they are backed up on HSG's and she knew ExACTLY what to tell me, ugh! We were told to continue ttc naturally no matter what, but what good will it do if my HSG is not done THIS week??? Anything we do this month will likely be undone by the HSG whenever the hell they get to it. DH has his SA tomorrow morning. Hopefully, everything comes back good there, beause I don't think I can take another complication right now. They will have to add Xanax or Valium to my Serafem if I get more bad news!

13 years ago
Reply to Confessions of the Infertile Woman


Katie! That is the best Mother's Day gift ever!

I have had a horrific day already. Hubby and I went to the cardiologist for his follow-up from being in the hospital. The cardiologist said that the "weakness" the stress test showed may be a false conclusion because a stress test looks for blockages and he wants him to have an echocardiogram on Wednesday to take a better look into it. He seems to think everything is ok though and got on his case to lose some weight and to stop smoking. He has been eating better, stopped drinking the Mountain Dew and has not smoked as much, but he needs to do better dammit! We came out of the office and the front driver's side tire on the truck was completely flat! He has roadside through his cellphone plan and called and the rep said his roadside had been cancelled about 2 years ago (when i bought him a Droid and they revamped his plan for the smartphone). He was FURIOUS. So he got the full-size spare from under the truck and the jack and attempted to start lifting the truck so we could change the damn tire. A guy about our age who was at the office with his dad offered to help and had a good jack in his car. Getting a fullsize SUV off the ground is ROUGH. They got the lugnuts off, but could not get the tire off to save their lives! After an hour of fighting with it, he was so irate, he called Verizon to bitch and guess what, the rep messed up and he DOES have roadside! They dispatched a technician and it took over an hour because the tech had a piolice call and those take priority over all else. It took the tech all of 10 minutes to get the tire off, the new one on, the bad one back under the truck and paperwork done. Oh we were so mad! I called late into work because of this and now I am considering not going in at all! I am surprised I did not have a metldown because being out of my bedroom for that long was really trying on my nerves. I guess the fact that I did not have a meltdown shows that the Serafem is starting to work....maybe.

Still no call from my ob/gyn about my hsg. This is really pissing me off. If it is not done this week, what would be the point of even ttc this month? If it is done anytime after this week, I am sure it can and will undo anything we may have accomplished. UGH!

13 years ago
Reply to BYOB: Bring on some BFP's!!


Aisha~My doctor is friends with my UAW local's president. He told me about how he and my president fought so hard in the 90's to get Anthem BC/BS of Michigan (even though we are in Ohio, obviously headquarters for GM is in Detroit) to cover bc. Anthem would not even cover it for medical neccessary reasons like endometriosis and PCOS at that time, but would cover the (then very new) ED drug, Viagra. he agreed that overall sexual health and wellbeing for BOTH partners was very important in all stages of life, but it was not right that BC was not covered for ANY reason. Because of my Local's president and my doctor (among other notable people) fighting, Ohio is one of the too few states that require insurance companies to not only cover birth control now, but also diagnostics and treatment for infertility. Insurance companies are a joke. Mine now only allows 5 doctor's visits per year per policy and this includes preventative treatment. Some people I work with have more than 5 people in their family! After 5, we have to pay out of pocket until our deductable is reached. One thing that is fortunate in my case is the fact that both my husband and I work there and we are allowed to carry our own policies since our premiums come out of our union dues. I am also lucky that both my family doctor and my OB/GYN bill multiple related visits as just one visit and only charge me a copay once. For as many times as I have seen my OB/GYN in the past couple weeks, this is certainly a lifesaver. He is also waiving my copays for me and only charged the copay the first of this series of visits. I am hoping we will be just as lucky with the infertility specialist that is doing the SA. Hopefully, that will be the only time we are even in that office!

Aroma~I know EXACTLY how you feel! It is so frustrating to me to see shitty people be blessed with children when we struggle! I know a girl with one child that is pregnant with twins now. She got pregnant the first time to trap her boyfriend at the time because she thought he was leaving her, which he did anyhow. She got pregnant with the twins on purpose to trap someone as well who was leaving her to go back to the mother of his children. She is aboout 5 months now and goes out to the bar every weekend. I could see still wanting your social time, but why not make "girls night" dinner and a chat someplace fun? I could even POSSIBLY see a pregnant woman going to a bar once or twice in her pregnancy for a special occassion like a birthday or bachelorette party, but every weekend? She doesn't take care of the one she has (her mom does) and I am sure her mother will be stuck with the twins as well. Ugh, I would love to kick her in the kneecap!

13 years ago
Reply to Confessions of the Infertile Woman


Aroma-I am so sorry . It does not help when people are always telling you to just relax and it will happen or to look into IVF and adoption. It is not an option for all of us, unfortunately. It hurts so badly when I have people tell me those things, so I know how you feel. A person who has never has fertility problems does not undertand the pain we go through, even our husbands. Some states require insurance companies to cover infertility treatments, including IVF. What state do you live in? I know here in Ohio, insurance companies are required to cover all infertility diagnostics and treatments, but not IUI and IVF, although a lot of insurance companies here do cover it. I am sure these are things you have already looked into, but I thought I would throw the info out there.

I survived mother's day. Of course, I do have ds, but secondary infertility is just as hard if not worse than primary infertilility because I know everything did work at one time and can't understand why I suddenly have this syndrome that is keeping me from being able to have a healthy baby again. I am still spending the majority of my time hiding in my room and ds and hubby have been letting me have my time to myself. Hubby took ds to the in-laws with him to visit his mom. He just told them that I was not feeling well and was in bed. He is right, I suppose. Physically, I feel fine, mentally, I am a trainwreck. I can't hide out like I would like to tomorrow, so I may as well suck it up while I can. Hubby has an appointment with the cardiologist to go over the stress test findings and treatment plan. I already know that the stress test finding showed no blockage, just a slightly weak heart. He is going to be told AGAIN to quit smoking and to eat better. I work in the afternoon too. Not looking forward to that, either. At least hubby's SA is on Tuesday. That will be another test out of the way. Hopefully, they find nothing wrong there.

13 years ago
Reply to Confessions of the Infertile Woman


Hi Shea! Thanks for your input. I have considered soy isoflavones, Vitex, B6 and Fertilaid. The only issue I have with taking these is the fact that my specific case is atypical to what I read about PCOS. I tend to have very regular 25 day cycles with the occassional 1-2 day deviation. I do not know how these supplements would affect me taking that into consideration. I am not worried about a potentially longer cycle if it means I could get pregnant naturally, but I worry that these things may actually impair my fertility even more.
I am becoming more and more impatient about the scheduling of my HSG. It took a week for insurance to approve the procedure and for some reason, my ob/gyn's office is seeming to have a heck of a time scheduling the procedure with the surgical center. They are blaming it on the surgical center, but I am starting to wonder if he is just THAT heavily booked with procedures since he only does them on Thursdays. I was in his office for my annual, to get test results and to have a consult about the HSG this past Wednesday and the receptionist told me then she was trying to get it booked and to expect a call by Friday. Of course Friday came and went with no call. DH gets his SA on Tuesday. I just want all of the diagnostics to be done and to get on with this process asap!

13 years ago
Reply to PCOS Buddies


My husband and I are on disagreement with names. I like uncommon and ethnic names for both first and middle names. he like Piper Michelle and Alyssa Marie for girls. I am ok with the first names, but the middle names have to go. For girls, I LOVE Arrianna, Isabella, Briana and Michaela. For boys, I like Dominic, Armando, Giancarlo and Dante.

13 years ago
Reply to Any of you ladies have baby names and no baby yet?


It looks like I probably will not be getting my hsg this coming week.. I never got a call yesterday, so I am going to be biting my nails waiting for a call to have it done the week after. This is so frustrating. I want this procedure (which I have heard is miserable) done and over with NOW so I can know if I have more problems to deal with or start the metformin. DH has his SA Tuesday morning so I think tonight we will get rid of the old spermies, lol. I have been so depressed, I am not even sure if I am in the mood. I really had to fight with myself to leave my room and go grocery shopping today. I was gone for almost an hour and guess where I am, back in my flipping room. The Serafem seems to be helping with the crying. I am still crying, but not non-stop like I was. I still have no motivation and almost panic when I leave my room. One of my friends tried to get me to meet her for a drink, but I really can't bring myself to leave the house (let alone my room) for anything unless it is 100% neccessary. I feel so pathetic and useless, but hubby inisists it is ok. It would be ok if he would clean house while I was hiding out, but he doesn't, ugh. Well, I am going to get off here and try to talk myself into going downstairs to clean the kitchen.

13 years ago
Reply to BYOB: Bring on some BFP's!!


I totally understand how you ladies aree feeling. I am so angry right now and dreading tomorrow. Of course, I do have ds, who is 10 and was actually conceived while on bc, but I can't seem to understand why he was such a surprise and now, I can't get pregnant to save my life. I have done a lot of reading on PCOS and natural ways to treat it. Even though my doctor is planning on putting me on metformin after the hsg as long as my tubes are clear, I have no idea when the hsg will actually be scheduled. His receptionist was calling the surgery center the other day trying to get the procedure scheduled and it seems the specific room they need for the procedure must be booked solid. I swear it is going to be a month before I get my hsg. I read that cutting out dairy and eating a low-carb diet helps PCOS greatly. Being Italian, that is going to be very hard on me, but I feel I have to do it. I am on day 2 of the Serafem for depression and the only difference I have noticed is that I am not crying uncontrollably. I am still crying, but not as much. I know these things take a while to really get into your system, but it kills me that I even have to be on an antidepressant in the first place. I still don't want to leave my room and have no motivation to do much of anything. I am not even doing anything while I am hiding in my room-just laying in bed, occassionally getting out my laptop and looking at some things, petting the cats when they come to visit, that is all. Other than that, i am laying in bed staring at the 4 walls. I tried putting a movie in, but anything on the tv just becomes backround noise.

13 years ago
Reply to Confessions of the Infertile Woman
