Replies by jessica0418

Replies 11 - 20

Hcg came back at 83- so it's tripled within 48 hours so she says its rising beautifully!

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Because I am a crazy person, I retested yesterday at the same time as Sunday with the same type test (rite aid digital) and also with an frer. Big fat dark line with the FRER, and then when comparing the lines on the digitals (broke them open) the line was DEFINTELY twice as dark. So that gave me some relief at least until tomorrow when I get today's blood test results. I agree, I will feel much better when I see that heartbeat! Good that you are meditating. I feel like I should start going to the yoga class at my gym. Just something to de-stress. You're almost to that ultrasound, just hang in there! :)

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)



Ok so the beta came back at 24. She said this was normal for such an early test (11dpo). Progesterone was 30 which she said was excellent. I cant help but worry...If i took a digital riteaid brand test 16hrs prior, I would THINK it would need to be 25 to even register... (I can't seem to find the sensitivity stats for the RiteAid Digital test) so that has me worried that it's not doubling :( I am probably overthinking this...but I can't help it. I think I will take a few more tests tonight to put my mind at ease ;) if they are negative...well then I have my answer. I am to retest hcg tomorrow and Friday since this result is so early. Hope you are doing well!

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Yes- they drew it today but I won't get the results till tomorrow. Whew and I thought after bfp I'd be DONE waiting haha ;)

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Hi ladies! Been ttc for 18 months, never even a hint of a line. Did clomid and iui this cycle and BAM BFP on a digital, 10DPO. So mid January is about the time I think. Had my beta hug drawn today so fingers crossed. So nervous about a chemical. Like I'm gonna wake up and someone tell me it's not for real.

8 years ago
Reply to Any January 2017 babies??


I am SO happy to hear that! That's excellent. Fingers crossed for you! I have some good news as well, I came home from a trip to NY today visiting family and I'd been having some symptoms which I of course blamed on the Clomid... But as I sortof have a tendency to lean towards dramatic... I thought Mother's Day would be a good day to test... 10DPO and I couldn't believe it, BFP!!! I was soooo expecting to be disappointed like the last 18 months, but BIG FAT POSITIVE on a digital. There's no denying it. :) I'm a little in denial still but it is sinking in. I guess I'll call the RE tomorrow!

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Aaaah!! Yay!!! That is so exciting! I am hoping I'm right behind you ;) i had my progesterone tested at 5dpo- it was 15. They said that was excellent- so I DID ovulate. I've been avoiding inflammatory foods carefully for the endo so fingers crossed the little bean makes it to implantation!! Congratulations :)

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Whoops I meant 5dpiui!

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Thanks for the positive vibes! I am feeling more positive today- just trying to eat healthy and stay stress-free. NOT easy!! ;) I am 4dpiui and I swear this is the longest 2ww i have ever had. I feel like I should try the acupuncture or massage therapy or something to help me relax. I will have to see if it's covered by my insurance- i think it is. Anyway hope things are good on your end!

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)


Glad it went well! Those numbers sound good!
I had my positive opk this morning, they had me come in for IUI at 3:00 today. His numbers and motility were great, but I was SERIOUSLY disappointed to find out there was only one mature follicle. it WAS nice and big though...I could be wrong but it seemed to me the entire purpose of the clomid (in my case with endometriosis) was to create more follicles to increase my chances. Maybe IUI will help on it's own, or maybe the egg is stronger, but I'm feeling more depressed and helpless than ever today. The doctor who did the IUI wasn't the same one I saw initially and he didn't tell me one way or the other if one egg was ok or not- he didnt really seem to know the details of my chart which is understandable, but he didn't really put me at ease. Anyway, I am to do a progesterone test in a week, and then follow up in two weeks. So here comes the tww. Hoping I feel better tomorrow. Maybe the Clomid is making me weepy.

8 years ago
Reply to Calling all Clomid/IUI "newbies"! CD6 looking for buddies :)
