Replies by writergirl04

Replies 11 - 20

Hi ladies - I am cycle day 2. Just starting to particpate in the message boards, after 6 months of trying for my second. I have an almost 2 year old and am 35. My husband is 41 so would like to have another baby sooon! The doctor put me on clomid - this will be my second month using it. I was on month two of clomid when I got pregnant with my daughter, so hoping its our lucky cycle! I didn't start my period until cycle day 35 which is pretty late for me, so not sure what's up with that. Anyway - looking forward to getting to know/support you! :)

8 years ago
Reply to March 2017


Hi All! It's been a bit, but I'm still here. 8 weeks today! Just got some test results back from the doc that have me a little down - apparently my thyroid is elevated so they are starting me on meds. I know it has been checked before and I've never had problems - but they will be checking it monthly. Also my glucose test was elevated so now I have to go back for a 3 hour test. I had my first appointment with the doc scheduled for Jan. 2, but my husband and I will now be at the Rose Bowl (go Michigan State!) and the soonest my doc has is like 4 weeks later. By that point I will like 14 weeks, which is way too long to wait (in my humble, baby growing, anxious opinion) :) So they are trying to work something out. I might just see if I can get in with another doc for that appointment. I really just want a heartbeat so we can spread the news!

Hope you are all well!

10 years ago
Reply to December Testers Support Group!



Hi Ladies - I'm loving all the good news on the forum. I am 5 weeks and 1 day (but who's counting?!) I have an appointment with the nurse on Dec. 2 and I see the doctor on Jan. 2. Seems like a lifetime away, but I know it will go fast.

Any advice for all consuming fears of miscarriage? I am finding at night when I try to go to sleep, I can't because I pretty much lay there and convince myself I'm going to miscarry. I feel like a nut job, and I don't know what to do. I keep telling myself nothing good will come of worrying about something that might not happen, and if it does happen I will be fine, but I just can't shake it.

Apparently with the hormone levels increasing so is my "crazy". Ugh!

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers Part 2!


Nico - you are definitely doing the right thing. Don't let them intimidate you! Stand up for what you know is right. Good luck!!

Not a whole lot to report in my world. Boobs are crazy painful, starting to pee way more frequently and am exhausted by the end of the day. Mild cramping but not painful just enough to know something is happening. It's all a little weird. It's like I'm a host to some invasive thing. I may or may not have called it a parasite yesterday...decided I'm okay for a few more weeks since my little parasite can't hear yet. :) Have a great weekend all!

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers Part 2!


Luv - Thank you! I am definitely sticking around. You ladies are wonderful :) Clomid was great - I wasn't sure about starting so early in the trying process but my doc didn't have an issue and I wasn't convinced I was Oing (no temp shift), so I decided to go for it. After it didn't work the first month she doubled it which must have done the trick!

Well - before I told my DH I told 2 coworkers/friends and my sister (whoops) :) but I really wanted to tell him in person. I figure for now I will tell anyone who I would most likely tell if something goes wrong...a couple other close friends, my parents and MIL. We will see my parents on Thanksgiving so holding off until then - which will be difficult since I usually talk to my mom once or twice a week. I told my sister I might avoid calling in the meantime so she should pick up the slack and call more. :) As for everyone else - We are having a Christmas party on Dec. 13 so I'm thinking of announcing then. It is still a little early, but at least I will have met with the nurse (Dec. 2). Ugh, I don't know. Guess I have a few weeks before I really have to decide!

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers Part 2!


Just want to thank you all - felt badly about joining the group and within a day announcing my BFP! I'm so thankful how accepting you all have been and encouraging! But since I am newer I thought I'd give my background: Married 9/7/12 started trying in March - didn't have AF in July or August (very unusual for me), started progesterone and clomid in September - no luck. Still no AF so had to do progesterone again and doubled clomid for October, which leads me to my BFP yesterday. I'm 33 next month, husband 39 next month.

Again, thanks so much for the warm welcome and encouragement!

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers Part 2!


Thanks all!

Trying not to worry too much and just enjoy but it's hard! So - at my bridal shower my husband's lifelong friend gave us an AIRBRUSHED onsie with our last name and #1 and baby and all this other stuff. I asked her if she was confused about what kind of shower she was attending... :) But it came in handy yesterday. Gave my husband the onsie, a pair of socks that say "daddy's sidekick" and a card. It was great to watch the understanding wash (ever so slowly) over him. Then he sat on the couch and took deep breaths every 1-2 minutes for quite awhile. It was pretty cute.

Afmedic - my sister and I had birthdays 3 days apart. I don't really remember every resenting it. My parents would still do something for me with my friends and let her do something with hers. Just thought I would share. :)

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers!


@SMH - I appreciate that! I just posted a pic in the gallery.
@LawBride - Thank you!
I am feeling super nervous right now. I know I can't obsess about everything that can go wrong but I'm stuck at that place right now. I don't think I will feel like its real until I go to the doctor.

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers!


So...I couldn't wait. I tested this morning. BFP! I'm freaking out a bit since it is so early (13 DPO). Haven't even told my husband yet! Called the doc and have a nurse appointment for Dec. 2. Wish they would see me earlier, being my first pregnancy I'm a little nervous. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sorry, had to do a virtual scream since my coworkers would not appreciate it so much. :)

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers!


Hi Ladies - I am 12 dpo today and so tempted to test but trying to hold out until early next week. We have been ttc since March but I have had 3 months where I didn't have AF (which is super annoying after being very regular - even for 4 months after stopping BC) Anyway - the last 2 months I have taken progesterone to start AF and then clomid. This month my doc had me do a blood test on day 21 which confirmed I O'd. That was a relief because I was starting to have doubts. I don't ever notice a temp shift so I have stopped temping. Just using OPKs. On Saturday I was an emotional wreck (for no apparent reason) but I'm trying not to read too much into it since I think DPO 9 is probably too early for any significant signs. Good luck and baby dust to all!

10 years ago
Reply to November Testers!
