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TTC After Having Tubal Reversal Month #2 Any Advice Plzzzz

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Hello! I had my TR Feb 21, 2012. We TTC right after my TR since I was due to Ovulate my Positive on First Response was March 8th we BD on March 9th since my hubby wasn't feeling well. Had lots and I mean lots of pregnancy symptoms starting 5dpo until 18dpo. But i did get a slight AF visited on March 19th 4 days earlier than normal and no cramps at all which was amazing to me.

So here we are again (first "real" month) TTC, reason why I say this is because doctor said to rest first month then try in March. Well I am due to Ovulate soon and I'm going to start my fertile days 3/29. My cycles are 28 days. Hopefully we can BD everyother night during my fertile and Ovulation window. I got so depressed when I took a HCG test at the doctor and came back Negative 3/28 but God knows best I have to keep the Faith!!! I pray it we can get a BIG FAT this cycle

Does anyone have any ideas I can do or maybe use to help out this process? I will start trying the PreSeed again as well. Please HELP and Thanks to everyone ahead of time!!!!

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593 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thanks alorance and dev.I didn't do so well I think on my practical but I think I did well on my written exam. It will get better. Af is due in 4days I don't have any specific symptoms to cheer about this morning out of the blue I took my temp oral and vag they both were at my coverline odd I'll check in the a.m. to see if it goes up. I did it at 530 like I normally would do if I was temping. I should be 8-9dpo.

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10 years ago

@Cam: I am sure you did the best you could do and that is what matters :)
My temps tend to drop about 4 days before AF is due but I have been avoiding temping. Thinking AF might show early as I am having AF like cramps this evening. I might just check my temp in the morning to see where they are at. i am generally around 98.5 after O and then around 97.2 right before and after AF. I think I am around 7 DPO right now.

10 years ago

Good morning ladies.

Decided to BBT this morning and I am in the 98's which means AF isn't on her way yet. Did an Internet dip Strip (Probably way too early but they were staring at me) and of course it was BFN. I think once I am out of my strips (2 left) I am not buying anymore which will save me from testing constantly and getting disappointed. I will have to just learn to wait until AF is officially late before I test.

Have a great day ladies. It's -30 here and I don't want to go to work!!!

10 years ago

Temp went up to 98.this morning so not yet!!!

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10 years ago

Hello to my favorite ladies!

@Kel - Hope you are having positive signs happening. How are you feeling?

@Cam - I know you did your best on your test and that is all that matters. Grades are important but not as important as the fact you do know the information you are learning. Plus I never score well on test. However, I took my midterm in Global Business and made an 85% which is awesome for me...I never score that high. Happy your temp went back up.

@Dev - You crack me up on how you word things but glad to know AF isn't on her way... Tell the hubs to hie your last two test...You will be less me I know. The hubs hide mine if you remember.

Okay, AFM -
I am at 19 days post miscarriage (which makes me CD 19). From not knowing you can ovulate so quickly after a MC but I am DPO 6 and just sitting back and watching but still hoping for AF to show her face but will be happy if she doesn't and another little blip that wants to latch on. Nothing crazy in signs happening and if I don't start around normal time the doctor told me she will be forcing a cycle because she doesn't my my body too far out of whack as she said.


10 years ago

Hi ladies....I created a Facebook page for ANYONE and everyone in our spots with TR and TTC and anyone with Pregnancy Loss. I think it is a good place for us to have people to lean on...Here is the link and add or suggest anyone you want to join.


10 years ago

Hi All,

Nothing exciting to report over here. Currently CD21 with 3 days til AF arrives. This TTW is going quick because I'm not monitoring anything. I'm sure AF will come on Saturday or close around there and we are happy with that. I think waiting til closer to the wedding to seriously try would be the best idea. well something for you girls to laugh about. I bought a wedding dress about 1 month ago that was beautiful abd reduced to $99 down from $1800. I had Friday off so I thought I'd pop back in and see if my 'favourite' dress was there that I also tried on at the same time but didn't get because of the price $1600. It was still there so I tried it on and wow! I feel amazing in this dress so I put it on lay-by (paying it off) lol. My soon to be hubby said 'how many wedding dresses do you need' lol. Oh well I'll sell the other one. I will see if I can upload an image at some stage.

I hope all you lovely ladies are travelling along ok and because we are all so close in our cycle I want to here some BFP's soon. x

10 years ago

@Kel: that is so exciting!!! My dress was $1100. I placed a budget on my dress at $1000 but when you know it is the one it is the one! Crazy about a $99 wedding dress!!! Just goes to show how much it really costs to make the dress, if they can sell it for $99. When is your wedding date again?
It's hard to believe that DH and I have already been married for just about a month.

My TWW seems to be going by quite quickly also. Trying not to be too obsessed with this cycle. I am due for AF of Sunday or Monday. Hoping to go out for a few drinks on Friday so I will test then to make sure. Even if it is BFN I don't know that I will go out just in case.
Doctor appt on March 17th to see what is going on.

@alorance: I will join your group when I get on FB later on hun!

Fingers crossed that one of the fabulous four get their BFP this cycle!!!

10 years ago

Hello everyone... It's been a while since I've posted on here but I've been reading and following in silence... I'm keeping you all in my prayers! So just a quick recap, I had my TR back in sep, after the first few months I noticed that from the time I got a positive opk, AF would show 7-8 days later consistently.. Very short LP... I knew that wasn't right.. Fast forward to now and I've found out my prolactin levels are high.. First one was 58 and second one was 47.. I saw a regular endocrinologist because I felt like my RE should have put me on meds to bring it down before an MRI and he didn't.. Well my endocrinologist started me on cabergoline and I'm on my second week of it.. This journey is so frustrating as I'm not getting any younger.. I really hope this is the cure to my short LP.. The endocrinologist seems to think so.. He told me that with levels that high I would not get pregnant and if I did, I would miscarry which might explain the chemical pregnancy I had a few months back.
Good luck girls and I'm praying for all of you!

10 years ago

Welcome back jewels. Af came two days early cd 1 ughh. This was a 23day cycle this time.

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10 years ago

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