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3rd time baby!!! Hoping for baby number 3.

Mother to 2 beautiful boys. 3 year old and 11 mother old.
Now we are hoping for number 3! After 2 boys we would love a girl, so we are trying all the healthy baby gender swaying techniques. If anyone has tried these and had success please let us know and even if they didnt work.
Any tips and knowledge would b great.
A girl would be amazing, if we have another boy it would be amazing, healthy baby is the most important part about our journey. Heres hoping to a BFP SOON!!!

130 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi Melissa i hav sent u a message. As admin removed your reply to my post? Not sure why?

7 years ago • Post starter

I am on day 11 of my cycle so we are bedding from day 10 til day 14. In the hope to get a bfp
Im just taking my breastfeeding vitamins, usually i would take baby aspirin as well due to me having a miscarriage first time we got pregnant. But as im still exclusively breastfeeding i dont take aspirin daily due to the risks to my baby.
Hope we will get pregnant soon, within the next few months as we would like a close age gap between all our children. Theres 2 yrs between my 2 boys, so 3-4 yrs gap being the longest. Heres hoping good luck Everyone trying for their

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh and we bedded night of the eclipse some say good omen others say bad? Anybody know any further info on this?

7 years ago • Post starter

New research shows that blood pressure greatly influences gender. The study was done by Dr. Ravi Retnakaran, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Your bp before conception is the deciding factor. Higher systolic blood pressure is associated with conceiving a boy, while lower bp is for a girl. I'm assuming your bp is on the higher side as you've conceived two boys.

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7 years ago

Thats interesting, my blood pressures always been pretty low tho.
We are trying the shettles method. So after bedding on ovulation for both boys. We have aimed for bedding before ovulation and then abstaining after ovulation. Fingers crossed! 8 days til af.

7 years ago • Post starter

I am a wk away from af ] i am having mild cramping, and i am very emotional. Com on .

7 years ago • Post starter

Day of no show yet! Fingers crossed

7 years ago • Post starter

Dreaded AF arrived on time. never mind back to ttc. This will be our 3rd month trying. 3rd time lucky
This month i will be taking baby aspirin 75mg after ovulation raspberry leaf tea and iron tablets as im feeling a bit low.
Heres to a

7 years ago • Post starter

This is also our 3rs month ttc, we also have 2 boys and are after a girl but either as long as they are healthy!! I'm 6/7dpo and am loosing patience!! I've been cramping on and off since ovulation and been really tired so hoping it's 3rd time lucky as it was with the other 2!!

7 years ago

Hi lozzy86 oh hope you get your I'm the same desperate to get pregnant again! the best way to describe it, having a girl would be the icing on the cake. Healthy baby is the most important thing. I have to wait until Friday to to ttc again. Cant come quick enough! Good luck hun

7 years ago • Post starter

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