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11dpo- another BFN

Just as it states.. I'm 11 dpo, and got another BFN. I suffered a chemical last month. I had some AF cramps last night (10dpo) that only lasted a couple hours, went to bed hot (couldn't use covers or wear pants), woke up fine this morning...but started feeling like I was coming down with the flu/cold by noon. Do I still have a shot? Or should I get over this nervousness and plan to try harder next month? Thanks in advance :)

1 Reply • 12 years ago



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You are in the same boat as me... i am SO hot tonight... i took my temp 99.2. This morning it was 98.7 -- I wake up warm, feel cold during the day and then get hot again at night (last day or so anyhow). I have not tested yet... going to tomorrow morning (dpo 11) and I have no idea what it is going to say. I feel like I am getting a cold also... comes n goes though -- headache, runny/stuffy nose, sneezing and with it lots of yawning. I figure with us both being hot, higher bbt, that we would still be in the running. I think you still have a chance. In fact, I say everyone still has a chance until AF shows her ugly self :)

I had a chemical too, in November, which produced more symptoms for me than this cycle so far. In December I got AF on xmas eve and spent the night crying... so this cycle I am trying to not get my hopes up and doing my best to pretend/ignore any symptoms.

May we both get our positive this week :)

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12 years ago

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