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7/8 dpo and testing early

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Well the suspense is killing me!!! Anyone else with me? I've been foolish enough to have tested yesterday morning and this morning.. both bfn. I just want to know, because I feel pregnant. These symptoms cannot be in my head!! I've had mild cramping since ovulation, sore breast for the last 4-5 days, one minute I'm starving and want to eat everything, the next I have no appetite and the sound of any food makes me feel queasy. I get headaches off and on throughout the day, I have to urinate more than usual, I'm bloated, and just physically exhausted. Is anyone feeling the same? When is the earliest people have tested and got a bfp??

176 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hello ladies!!!

Luv2cU: I tested this morning and it was a BFN :-(, on that thought, i feel no cramps whatsoever, and so far not bloated at all. Yesterday i felt so tired i was in bed by 8:00 p.m. and for a moment i almost had a killing headache, but then it went away. I am getting easily dizzy but very mild.

But I am not giving up girls!! AF should show up on the 30'th so i still have hopes!! i will keep you guyz posted =D

7 years ago

Where are all my ladies at in their cycles and how are you doing?? I am currently CD 9 and doing opk testing.

7 years ago • Post starter

I am currently CD 3 I think. My af is a lot lighter than normal and my BBS are still bigger so not sure what to think.

7 years ago

Jrosie: Hey, I'm on cd8 and testing as well. I actually got a positive last night but I'm going to see if it happens again tonight then I'll get excited. Bding every night just in case till my temp goes up. I normally O 12 to 24 hours after a positve test. The earliest I've ever O'd is cd9 and that pregnancy didn't go too well. But all I can do is pray for some healthy eggs.

Trying3: Sorry your flow started. Did you test again? I know some times bbs can stay sore a lil into cycle but not normally for me anyway.

Nserendipity2016: How are you doing? Did you ever test again?

Guzman:Sorry I missed your post earlier. Yes I have a short 25 cycle. How long is yours and how are you?

Crazy that we are back to Oing again, huh?
We get to unwrap some bfps this Christmas!!

7 years ago

Keeping my fingers crossed. So far just crampy / achy, gassy, and frequent urination. I keep wondering if it's all in my head as well.
AF is due on Friday but the wait is killing me!
Last night I dreamed I was spotting.

7 years ago

Hello ladies, I think I am out.. as of 2 days ago i have had no symptoms what so ever..Just heavy boobs and they are sore. The only thing that has sticked with me is the horrible headaches that just wont go away until I get some sleep.. AF is due tomorrow and I am having slight pain on my left ovary. Which is actually weird because last month after AF finished, all the pains i was having was sharp pains from my left ovary that later on moved towards all my lower abdomen. For 2 days i felt like if they were sticking needles on my boobs but only for a couple of seconds, then all symptoms have vanished. Tomorrow would be 15dpo, so lets see if she comes.. FX Still LOL!!!

How you ladies doing?!?!?!?!

7 years ago

TeneilkW: actually i have been gassy now that u mention it, still light pain on my lower back, a couple of days ago i dreamt I was squeezing alot of Blood clots (TMI SORRY!!@) .,, woke up and RAN to the rr, i almost did not make it !!!

7 years ago

Teneilkw: FX for you. Are you going to test early or just wait?

Nserendipity2016: Ugh, man, could go either way!! The bbs pain would drive me insane though. FX 15 brings you a bfp :D

7 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!!, I tested this morning and .... AF is due today, I have cramps since last night so i figured i should get my period by the morning and nothing. AF has not shown up her ugly face so we will see.... What is weird is that I have set up my calendar to 29 day cycles, but for some reason I was looking at my past periods and they have been 27 day cycles.. if that is the case AF was due on the 27th of this month, I AM LOST!! FX still LOL!!!.. I will wait a couple of more days to test again. Boob pain is completly gone, now just cramps like if AF is coming.. keep you posted!!!

7 years ago

Update ladies, Still cramping.. I think AF is here... i went to the rr like 2 hours ago, kinda felt in there (TMI) and my finger came out full of white creamy with a speck kinda pinkish color as well.. I thought she was here but after lunch i went to the rr and there was nothing on my pad.. so once again, I kinda checked inside of me and just creamy stuff with liiight pink color and that is it... i am so confused... FX!!!!

7 years ago

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