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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Do you ladies use the day of a positive opk as ovulation day or a couple days later? I had 4 days of positives no spike in temp but pretty sure I ovulated after the positives faded.

7 years ago

I use the day the started faded. Like if I get a positive, usually the next day will get lighter so I use that day as ovulation day..Lol but I'm not 100% positive I'm doing it right either????

7 years ago • Post starter

@emailbrittny Last month mine did that...I test positive the day before I suspected ov and then 2 days after...I was so confused. I used cheapie and clear blue ov test that test both hormones. I always use 2 just to confirm the other or pack up what the other may not...This cycle it gave ma a positive before ov day and strong pos the day off and then the day after, it started to fade and I could see the lightness.

7 years ago

Have you ladies ever heard of using opks as pt?

7 years ago

I have heard of people doing it, but never tried it myself

7 years ago • Post starter

I've done it but never been pregnant any time I tried so I'm not much good to you

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

Just out of curiosity I think that wen i take my pt test i will also do the ov test to see if its true and also to help those who are also curious...i think it will be pretty interesting ladies. Ill test on the 21, 23, and 26th...also I will base the strength of the test off of my last one i took after my ov day which was negative to compare the difference.

7 years ago

7 days until af is due???? I need time to fly already. How many days do you ladies have!?

7 years ago • Post starter

I have 8....time please fly!!

7 years ago

Check out my hpt last pregnancy I found out I was pregnant cuz I was still testing ov with OPK and about 10 days later it was positive. Someone told me to check with a hpt and sure enough positive.

7 years ago

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