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Faint positive on FRER, neg digital

I am TTC my first baby and I was so excited to see a very faint-crazy person-squinting line on my FRER test with FMU at 9 dpo. I took another FRER this morning (10 dpo) and got a little darker of a line! I was so excited, then this afternoon still at 10dpo I took a clear blue digital and got a negative :( I will take another digital with FMU tomorrow but I'm so scared it is going to be a chemical pregnancy. AF isn't due until Sunday. Has anyone else gotten a faint positive then get a negative on a digital?

Thanks ladies!

5 Replies • 7 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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DON'T PANIC!!! Most digital tests are 50mlu and won't show up until a few days after an early pregnancy test. Clear blue digital with weeks is slightly more sensitive at 25mlu so should show sooner than others. If you were having a chemical your other line would disappear too. Collect your urine in a cup and test with frer that way you can 're test the same sample and compare.
Good luck and keep us updated

7 years ago

Thanks for the words of encouragement Kerzie!
I took another clear blue digital this morning and got another negative, but I also took another FRER and got a line that is a little darker still! I am not due for AF until Sunday but it's so hard be patient. I'll take another FRER tomorrow morning and if it is darker than this mornings I will dip another digital. I also made a doctors appoint but it's not until 10/25. I've just read so much online about how common chemical pregnancys are and with testing so early I would know about mine. I will keep you posted! I'm just dying to see "pregnant" on a digital test!

7 years ago • Post starter

Sounds like this might be it for you but won't congrat you until you get your digital result, how exciting!!!!!

7 years ago

Well I just wanted to give an update that my fear was confirmed and it did end up being a chemical pregnancy. I was getting faint pregnancy tests all week last week (Monday-Saturday) with my one on Saturday being fainter than the days before. I never got a positive on a digital. I started to bleed on Monday (so just one day later than I was expecting AF) even though I know chemical pregnancies are extremely common i have been really sad and having a hard time dealing with it. My husband and I plan on trying right away this cycle. I've heard a rumor that women are more fertile after a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage? Does anyone know if that is true? Thanks!

7 years ago • Post starter

The same thing happened to me in April of 2015. Faint positive on First Response (the 5/6 days early) test and a neg on Clearblue digital. Went in for a blood test which confirmed that I WAS pregnant but within a few days I began bleeding and I also had a chemical pregnancy.

My doctor told me that even with a chemical pregnancy, you should still wait 1 whole cycle before TTC again, in order to give your body some extra time to recover. BUT, I've heard of instances where women got pregnant the following cycle and had a baby successfully.

Ultimately it's up to you and what you think is best for your body.

Best of luck! Our rainbows are within reach!!!

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7 years ago

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