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Big O day between Dec 30 and Jan 2nd ladies

A place for those of us in the second week of dpo.

I am 9dpo and restless about waiting

24 Replies • 12 years ago



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I am super restless too, I am 10 dpo (I think). I have been having symptoms that for once I know are not in my head and I think I might just go crazy waiting!! lol

12 years ago

Me too. I am 9dpo. I am so thankful for this web site. I KNOW I am not going crazy and just writing and talking about it on here with other women who are going through the same thing, makes me feel 100 times better. My husband thinks I am nuts, and insists on brushing it under the carpet "until we know for sure", "no use getting your hopes up again". I know he thinks he is being helpful, but it is a torture he has no way of knowing. All of my mommy friends have been no help either- all of their baby's were not planned. And I had DS 9 years ago! I don't remember any of this!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers User Image and

12 years ago

My husband also wants me to stop thinking about it until this weekend when it's a better time to test. Right. haha.

I have symptoms that either are related to pregnancy or I am having one bizarre cycle. I am usually have very regular, predictable cycles, so much so, I know exactly how long AF will last almost to the hour. 2.4 days and done. So to have all of the cramping, back aches, leg cramps, etc... it doesn't add up to AF in the past...

You would think in today's technology world, there would be an instant test... this is torture.

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm 8DPO. I O'd on Jan 2nd.

I have also been driving myself NUTS with symptoms; I had INSANELY sore nipples 5-7DPO and a bit of nasea. It also seems like my sense of smell is through the roof! Any sort of perfume or air freshner makes me want to puke.

** Crystal ** ME (29): Irregular cycles and sporatic/irregular ovulation. DH (33): Possible "lazy" sperm; good count and morphology User Image User Image Clomid cycle #1 - 100 mg - December 2011

12 years ago

Hi Ladies,
I am about 6 or 7 dpo (I think). I hope it is okay to join you all in the tww. I don't temp or use opk's, but I get pretty obvious O pain that lasts about 4-5 days. Since I think implantation may be happening soon (6-10dpo) if I am pregnant I haven't been paying too much attention to my symptoms. That being said, I have been having weird tingling in my bbs the past few days. I lost a baby at the end of Oct 2011 so I know my symptoms are all over the place while my body is getting back to normal. Hopefully my body just goes back into pregnancy mode. Fingers crossed for all of us.

12 years ago

Since we weren't exactly "trying" I am guesstimating my O day based on my predictable AF and some symptoms. I always seem to feel the most fabulous right around cycle day 13-15, so I am assuming that is nature's way of telling me to make babies.

So anyone in or near that range is welcome!

12 years ago • Post starter

I am 10 dpo and going crazy too! A few more days and hopefully we'll all have great news!

I've been havng tons of symptoms for the past few days.

-Extremely sore, sensitive nipples
-Bloating, Gas
-Abdominal Cramps
-Hot flashes
-Frequent urination
-Moodswings (been so snappy lately)
--Increased CM
-Increased sex drive

oh, and -Increased appetite, I cannot stop eating lately, and the other night, when me and dh were waiting at a restaurant for a table, i went to the bathroom teary eyed and came back and told him "I CANT WAIT" "I HAVE TO EAT NOW!!!!!"

So, I am feeling more towards pregnancy than really bad PMS this cycle. The fact that I'm an emotional wreck when I'm hungry makes me think this may be the month.

Good luck ladies!!! We can do it! Just a few more days till we find out!!!

12 years ago

StephanyM- we have many of the same symptoms having much the same symptoms today

-Sore back
-slight cramping
-lots of CM today
-light headed when standing after sitting for a while
-slight cramping, but nothing too painful, not like af
-bbs are KILLING ME!!
--super extremely hungry, like I am craving something, but don't know what it is... so i will just keep eating until I do LOL
- very tired and emotional. Hubby said I was very crabby this weekend and had to apologize a few times for being snappy :/

I am trying not to get too excited!! But its so hard!! I have been feeling much different than my last few cycles. I wont test until Saturday though... it seems so far away!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers User Image and

12 years ago

Anyone test yet? I am only 7 or 8dpo today, but I am getting strong symptoms that I didn't have last cycle.

-really sore bbs (on the sides)
-increased cm (watery, but cream in color)
-weird cramping (not like PMS and not constant)

If I don't end up pregnant this cycle I'm going to stop tracking my symptoms (yeah, right). :)

12 years ago

ovulated : jan 1st likely.
so 10 dpo, today:-

- heavy breasts
- twinges of pain in lower left side

wondering how long this wait is really? i mean its feels like ages...
babydust to all .....!!!!!!!

12 years ago

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