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AF 2 days late, still no signs of starting

AF is only 2 days late, but I am almost always regular. My cycle is usually 25 days, occasionally 27 days. I am at cycle day 28 now, with no signs of starting at all. Most of the time before I start, I have spotting every other day when I wipe, for a week prior to AF. I did have spotting when wiping a couple days ago, but it was so faint that it really wasn't even noticeable, when typically there's enough pink to be clearly visable. Instead, I have had a few drops of white, creamy diacharge, no color tint at all. Today I felt a weird feeling in my stomach that reminded me of bubbles gurgling or the flutters felt when a baby starts moving. Pregnancy test was negative 2 days ago. Really want to retest, but if I don't start by Monday, I will be seeing my doctor to follow up on my upper respiratory virus, and will request a test be done there. Don't want to get my hopes up, but wondering if it could be very possible that we are pregnant. I really hope so, but am afraid to be disappointed yet again. My boyfriend really wants this as well, so if not, he will also be disappointed. I hate waiting to find out!

1 Reply • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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17 dpo, AF 3 days latr, still no signs of starting, negative urine test at doctor. Doctor said to wait and see what happens.

9 years ago • Post starter

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