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December 2016 Babies!

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Hi ladies,

I know we're all sad to be here, but yay for holiday babies?

TTC #1, since July 2015. Cycle 3 after miscarriage. I'll be starting studying this month in an intensive bootcamp style course so will just try BD every other day and will drink more water.

Timing-wise probably isn't the best time to conceive, but because this baby making business is taking longer than we thought, we're not going to put it on hold.

to everyone and :)

305 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yay lalou3tt3!! I am so excited for you. I always have weird symptom's during the tww ugh I think my mind plays tricks on me. Temp is good plus symptoms I feel a in your future I haven't O yet still temping and Opking tested again this morning negative but its getting darker so I'm hopefull!! I should be ovulating this week/weekend

Korenelm way to stay positive its OK if you haven't been trying very long or if its a long time were all in this together. !!

Nothing but positivity here!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Happy anniversary,Korenelm! And super excited for you, lalou3tt3!!

I'm 7 dpo today. As a true non believer of the tww symptoms (cos it drives me crazy every single time!) am planning to test this Friday. I will be 11 dpo this Friday. Do you think it would be too early?


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8 years ago

Yay aquapd your half way there!! 11dpo is usually a good time to start testing.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam thank you...awww you are so sweet. It took me a long time to have positive OPK so keep testing and BD ind ;-)

Auapd no it s not too early at all. Heck i usually start at 8 DPO but this cycle I have promised myself to hold as long as possible because once I start , I can t stop myself.

Fingers crossed to everyone and let s see a lot

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8 years ago

Aquapd - I drive myself crazy with wanting to test and the BFN upsets me a lot. so I promised DH that I wont test until the day my AF should show.

A false Negative is just so upsetting - so I over correct and build myself up for a BFP in a few days.

I also know ladies that got a BFP 10 DPO. All of our bodies are so different that you just never know.

I took OPK this morning and for some unknown reason I didn't even look at the results. I know I should OV this weekend and I guess I am trying to not go crazy this time but let nature take over.

Me and DH BD a lot anyway so its either going to happen or not...

Hoping the and are in my favor this month .

Love this chat with you ladies

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

Hello Ladies. Thought I'd check in again. The two week wait to O is the boring part. I think I should get there by Thursday. My OPKs are getting darker and the last two cycles I've O'd exactly on day 14. Anyway, that's why I haven't been around. Been trying to keep busy. Last BFN cycle REALLY hit me hard.

We're taking it easy and I'm not getting all OCD like I usually do this month. We already have one daughter (my stepdaughter) with a Dec birthday and it sucks! We never have any money for it and always feel like she gets gipped, since it's right before xmas. Not that I'd "prevent" or be upset if I finally got pregnant, but still. I'll save my OCD temping/tracking for next month.

Baby dust to all and I can't wait to see the first of the BFPs! Forget what I said earlier....Christmas babies rock! :)

8 years ago

You are soooo right, Korenelm! I caved in and I checked this morning only to be disappointed with a BFN . Then it hit me how depressed I would be if I see another BFN, so I decided I will not buy a test until Friday and planning to test on Saturday again.

for a bump!


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8 years ago

Aquapd - For some reason I think the waiting takes such a toll on my mind and I just feel like I HAVE to test.

DH had to hide the POAS's so that I wasn't even tempted. But in my mind I was searching ALL over the house. LOL

My DD was a surprise - I feel like that was a blessing in itself.

My mind is consumed by the thought of getting .

So many people are "oh, Were expecting, its such a surprise." Like they blinked at their Uterus and BOOM - a Baby.

LORDY LORDY LORDY... LOL Well, I am sending a million and 2 million specks of to all of you lovely ladies

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

I was good this cycle and didn't test early! Unfortunately, my temp dropped yesterday morning and sure enough the witch got me.

No holiday baby for me - instead the next time will be a new years baby hahah.

Korenelm: I laugh when I think about the start of my TTC journey. I really thought I would get pregnant on the first cycle and I even made sure I caught up with my friends and went out so I could do things I may not be able to do later with a baby.

aquapd: Fingers crossed you get your BFP in a few days!! Holding out on testing is so hard.

The course i'm doing atm has a holistic approach and they're encouraging us to meditate to clear the mind so we can improve our concentration and bodies. Perhaps it will help me with TTC as well.

I'm surprised at how well i'm dealing with the witch arriving. Keeping my head up and wishing you all .

8 years ago • Post starter

Welcome back calvingirl. I understand the December issue with already it being such an exspensive month as it is but I will be so greatful if he or she would come then.

Aquadpd oh no I'm sorry that is such a crappy feeling!! It makes me want to cry and screen you stupid little test you don't know me!! Ugh! Crossing finger for you this week end!

Korenelm I agree with you that's all I think about, and now I found you girls I want that for all of you too so I constantly checking to see some good news!

Wishingforviolet I'm so sorry love this makes me so sad to hear. Are you sure it isn't breakthrough blood? I'm sad but how exciting to try for a new years baby that would be such a great way to start a new year for you!! .

Its not even the tww yet and I'm getting anxious. Please oh please

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

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