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December 2016 Babies!

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Hi ladies,

I know we're all sad to be here, but yay for holiday babies?

TTC #1, since July 2015. Cycle 3 after miscarriage. I'll be starting studying this month in an intensive bootcamp style course so will just try BD every other day and will drink more water.

Timing-wise probably isn't the best time to conceive, but because this baby making business is taking longer than we thought, we're not going to put it on hold.

to everyone and :)

305 Replies • 8 years ago



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221 - 230 of 305 Replies | Last Page

Hey ladies still no AF and testing tomorrow morning. If negative I am scheduling a doctors appointment for a persistent UTI. Quick question though, I am wondering what could possibly explain the spotting I had last Friday at 13 dpo? I t was a super small speck of red/pink blood and haven't seen any since. I usually do spot before my period but usually it's the day before not three days. I'm thinking maybe it's from my UTI but that seems like wishful thinking to me... I don't really know what to think... If I didn't have that one speck of blood on Friday I would have all the symptoms of a positive pregnancy test but unfortunately that's the on indisputable symptom. Any thoughts? Could i still be pregnant is there still a chance even though I normally get that spotting before AF?

8 years ago

Kaimarie how many DPO are you ?? Absolutely it's still possible to get your BFP

8 years ago

Dailey I didn't get a positive with my girls until cycle day 32 and cycle day 33. Don't throw the towel in yet

8 years ago

As of today I am 15 dpo when I had the super small dot of blood was on 13 dpo.

8 years ago

How long is your LP normally ??? If you had it on 13 DPO it takes about 72 hours for the tests to pick up any HCG so that would be tomorrow at earliest

I'm usually 13-14 and that's why I am so confused this month . I O'ed so much later .

8 years ago

I'm not 100% sure how long my LP is. The last time I was charting it was only 12 days. I'm on CD 35 today so that's why I'm very concerned with cycle length

8 years ago

Im just gonna test in the am with fmu and see how it goes.

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Hope you get your Dailey !!!

8 years ago

BFN for me!!

I've read though that spotting isn't healthy and so I'm kind of scared I may have fertility issues... I've been spitting for the past few cycles. But anyways I'm out for this month so on to next month once AF gets here. Hoping tomorrow because that will be CD 36...

8 years ago

Kaimarie I'm sorry !!! But just remember it isn't over until the witch shows

8 years ago

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