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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Morning ladies yay its Friday , (16dpo)
Ania-yes thats looking good girl so pleased for you after a mega long cycle, well looks like its gonna get a lot longer now haha -x-x-x-
Temp dropped this morn, (although just done another reading and its shot back up????) and another dodgy test, did 2 yesterday and nothing on both so guess Im out, awaiting , thank you all for your well wishes, birthday was ok, work was poo and eve with my girls so so, went to bed at 8:30 after bath as felt shattered, have heard from bf, he has apologised but Ive not accepted it (yet), will see how i feel over weekend, we don't live together, and tend to just see each other at weekends/hols (that suits me especially when his bi-polar and my hormones kick in)
to all &

8 years ago

Good morning...i have a quick question chart sex at 1 am as am or pm sex? the night before or the day it of?

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8 years ago

Good morning gals!!!! Happy Friday!!!!

Shanta-Chart 1 am as pm-sorry about the previous answer..I'm running on low energy... ;-)

Well my temp. went up slightly this morning after dipping a little after ovulation...I'll take that as a good sign..

8 years ago

Shant I'd chart as pm cause it's before you go to sleep.

Pinky, lets hope it will last nine long months.
My gp told me to go to gyn asap because of my blood pressure so... More doctors... Yay.

8 years ago

thanks ladies im always confused about that....
Happy Friday to all!! what ya looking like Baby one and Pink? Im 3 or 4 days past ov...just making whoopie a lot and now im

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8 years ago

Hi Shanta! I'm 3 dpo-sore boobies/fuller, headache, fatigue, bloating, water retention...Off to go grocery shopping! Talks soon! ;-)

8 years ago

I get so worried as i have had symptoms i thought and then my cycle i have chest pain but i dont know if thats a sign or

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8 years ago

I'll be checking in on Monday! Happy Mother's Day "early" for all new mother's!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

8 years ago

Afternoon all (2dpo),

Ani. So exciting to see the line getting darker, glad your man is making you feel special. When are you going to tell your daughter? What was your oh reaction when he found out? Did you cry? I think I would, I get happy tears each time I read about ladies on here getting pregnant. Look after yourself xxx

Pink. You are not out until af arrives. I'm sorry your birthday wasn't great, hope your oh makes it up to you over the weekend. You deserve to feel special xx

Shanta. Good to see your working hard lol


Holly. Thought you got your first positive opk the same day as me? I'm only 2dpo, ovulation happens the day after the first positive. tonight if you can, sometimes older women ovulate from both ovaries on the same month which would give you two shots at the egg. A strong ovulation can cause a little bit of red blood, implantation tends to be old brown blood. Whatever is happening take it as a good sign xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Had to look that one up. Mothers day was March 6th in the UK but it's May 8th in the US. Anyone else celebrate it on a different date?

8 years ago • Post starter

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