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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Thank you ladies!!!
Kerzie my puppy's name is cupcake. Im so happy i found you girls in your 40's trying to conceive. I thought i was the only one.
Yes im starting to get symptoms now. By 12pm im so tired i can fall asleep anywhere. By boobs are starting to get tender. The only person ive told is my dh. We dont want to tell anyone yet cuz of my history of mc...i pray this pregnancy is successful. Ani how far are you? Anyone else how far along ate you guys if pregnant?
I pray for all you ladies to get BFP!!!!!

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Pinkster thats awesome to know you are not going to give up!!! None of us should give up????

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago


Pink I think I ovulated last week, possibly earlier than usual based on EWCM and breast tenderness. We never did bd anymore, so once all week. I have been wet today as though I am ovulating. It's thick and creamy and I had to wear a liner today. I checked out your website and it's great to put a face with the name. You remind me of an actress. I will have to look up her name. Great stuff on your site. I love vintage items and antiques. Enjoy going to estate sales. Do you ship to the U.S.?

8 years ago

Pink. Did you get dhea? I got more, think I will start with 50mg a day the first month to ease my body into it. Taking vitex from CD5 to af. Hoping you won't need yours after next weekend, love the dedication. I'm planning on going all out like a bunny this cycle too. Don't forget to put a pillow under your ass after for five mins or as long as you can manage. Hope third times the charm Hon xx

Shanta. We are all praying for you, sending positive vibes that will hopefully turn into a bfp. If not then we are here to pick the pieces up and help glue you back together. That would be so rewarding (Ronald McDonald house), you should certainly have some good karma coming your way.

Mico. Have been thinking of you loads, it is so good to hear from you. How long until you can start trying again? Sending love and hugs

Ani. Glad your doing well, we know how tough the tiredness can be, not to mention the sickness. Happy you still find time to post, looking forward to hearing about the scan on Thursday. Take care xx

Miracle. How old is cupcake? Girl? I love puppy breath, would have a house full of puppies if I could. How many weeks were you before with your mc? How many weeks do the docs put you at now? Need to boost you with everything positive, keep little bubs so comfy that he's going nowhere!

Sweet dreams ladies xxx

8 years ago • Post starter

Morning all lovely ladies (CD10)
Mico-good to hear from you hun and welcome back, always good to hear from peeps not been on for a while, how are you?
Kerzie-yes my lovely, they are all here, Dhea50mg, UbiquinolCoQ-10-100mg, Royal jelly750mg, also taking the flaxseed before i switch to progesterone cream, also baby aspirin, conception tabs/vits, D3 my sunshine tabs , Im awaiting still the bee proplis lol I do rattle but all worth it if it works, Ive also been reading up on the fertility massage and every night after my bath I lay on my bed and do a gentle massage, its only for 1 week after AF and up to Ov so I thought what the hell Ill give it a go, thank you for your support, Im more positive this cycle, not cos I think Im gonna get preggo but doing workouts and feel so much happier and energetic, think its the D3, off for a jog in a mo along beach before work
Shanta, how are you doing, any news??? I thought of you as soon as I woke up this morn and crossed my fingers n toes, kerzies right, good Karma coming to you for doing such a patient, kind and caring job
Ania & Miracle, always great to hear from you, love the updates and good luck with the scan Thurs ania, cant wait to be updated, chill, rest when you can and think pos thoughts,
39-Yes we get orders from all over the world, actress aww now im wonderin I hope thats enough hun, its tough, they always want it when your not fertile and when you are its like oh ok ill try, I think tough dont try just do it, Ive told mine if he dont deliver ill get needles for the syringes and get it myself, the look on his face hahaha dont think Ill have a prob this cycle now
Teacher- a bit of a weird comment but i just noticed all friends following me are in the club in order, including Miracle74, who was told she wouldnt be able to have anymore and give up after many m/c and compliications, in her 40s and now preggers whoop whoop, guess wot your next on the list to fall then shanta then kerzie , I really hope that happens
babyangel-where you at girl, any news -x-
& to all

8 years ago

Hey ladies.......i woke up to spotting so im not going to thinking its the witch...... still praying it may be dry old blood....dont want to see a negative yet so im going to wait it out till then...happy tiesday ladies andnthanks for all tje support and encouragement!

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8 years ago

Ok Shanta, still and toes -x-

8 years ago

Im getting depressed I dont know what else to do. I dont think i can afford like the shots for fertility im just at my wits end. Im about to be 39 in 2 months and i really wanted to be pregnant before i turn 40 and the time is slipping away. Besides the fibroid there should not be anything wrong. Ive been excerising and trying to eat better...At this point im loosing hope but still trying its just so stressful at time and makes me sad. I think it may be time to speak to a fertility specialist im thinking my obgyn can only do so much... I feel so lost right now as i know my cycle is coming i can feel the PMS sad to day let me log off for a few and drink some coffee. Have a great day ladies hope i didnt bring your moods down.

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8 years ago

Oh dear Shanta, hang in there my dear friend, we all know how you feel and sometimes we get to the end of our tether and feel there are no options left, firstly you are not doing anything wrong and secondly it will only happen when/if it is meant to, thirdly there are always other options, you could get advice but if your in UK like me and Kerzie the docs are not very helpful on the NHS and due to our age I have found they haven't helped at all, however, I think as long as we concentrate on us meaning YOU, be positive, look after your body and do things you enjoy your heading in the right direction, I wish I could say we will all get our 's soon (we certainly deserve it) but dont give up my lovely, you are still at a good age, a friend of a friend just had a baby at 44 and there are many on here that so chin up, either way we are here for you -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Oooohhh well Pink, let's see what happens then!! We'll start calling you the mystic witch if you're right! 2dpo high cervix creamy cf.

Off to teacher 16 year old physics as they panic before their exams start!!

Give me the strength and patience of angels! Lol!

Stick in there Shanta, you are a youngster amongst some of us, I was 45 when I had ds!


8 years ago

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