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Hey every body!,

Just would like to say hello to all you lovely ladies ttc, my dh and I are currently ttc and have been for 14 months,
Is there any chart stalkers that would like to stalk my chart and give me your opinions please.
This is my first month that ff have gave me crosshairs, I've been charting for 3 months.
Where can I post my chart just realised I can't add picture to this ????
Many thanx in advance xx

29 Replies • 8 years ago



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I've also been charting for just 3 months & got my first solid cross hairs on FF. How many dpo are you?

8 years ago

Hey firegurl
I'm 10 dpo today, I have been all excited just because I've got my cross hairs, tho being a poas freak I'm beginning to lose hope!!
Have you been testing??

8 years ago • Post starter

Not testing as of yet. I'm trying my hardest to wait until 10 dpo, but being a POAS addict myself, can't guarantee it. Lol I know 6 dpo is too early though. Have you had many symptoms?

8 years ago

Well done!! I'm terrible even tho my husband is telling me to wait I just can't!!
Been feeling really tired and really bad crampings. I had a dip yesterday fingers crossed it was implantation tho had no spotting!!
I'm starting to think the pains and tiredness are all in my head!!
It's so frustrating!! When is your af due??

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm due for AF around the 3rd. I hate the TWW!! Makes me question my sanity for sure. Lol I had a dip yesterday as well with maybe a teeny weeny bit of light brown in my cm the day before. I've been getting a really odd pinch like feeling by my left ovary area & a strange taste in my mouth. Other than that though, it's been more a lack of pre AF symptoms that make me wonder. Usually by now, my bbs are sore, my face breaks out a smidge, & usually have more cm than I do. When do you usually start testing?

8 years ago

Lol it's funny how it makes us feel even if it is all in our head!! I have been testing since 4dpo because I had some strange dip, I know it way to early but just had to.
I woke up this morning with a sore throat so my mouth has the horrible taste!!
I've ordered some super drug test today as I have read that they are most sensitive usually I use ic.
How about you? What test have you been usually??
My af due 1st. Countdown is on ????

8 years ago • Post starter

It's good to have someone to pass the time with though. It's always different to symptom spot with someone else, makes me feel less crazy. I usually try to wait until 10 dpo but never make it that long & usually start at 7. I've has some other symptoms but feel like it's my body playing tricks on me. It seems like each cycle there's a totally new symptom that creeps up just to throw me off. As for the tests I use, I get the cheapies since I tend to test so often. I figure if I happen to be lucky enough to get that faint line, then I'll go grab a FRER. I used to use just those, but it became a little pricey.

8 years ago

It defiantly nice to have someone else to share the experience with other than the dh who thinks I'm just plain mad!! Lol
I know it's such an expensive obsession hence why I switched to ic too.
Tbh I was scared to post before, wasn't sure what response I would get and have seen lots of post in the wrong place and being moaned at. Tonight i decided just to go for it ???? Thank you for replying.
Fingers crossed we both have our bfp this month.

8 years ago • Post starter

How fantastic would that be?! I usually don't post myself just because I tend to be a little over opinionated sometimes. When I see people & their symptoms being completely discounted, dismissed, or belittled, I tend to want to give me two cents. I think if someone feels symptoms, whether it be at 1 or 20 dpo, they know their bodies more than anyone & shouldn't get some of the replies that they do from a bunch of people thinking they're experts because they can Google a topic. The TWW is hard enough & I think some ladies just need a little extra support from others who know how they feel. Well, that's my rant for the day. Sorry haha. Have you had any insomnia at all?

8 years ago

Lol that's fine!! Some post I read and think omg really?? But I just have to move on as I would probably say something I shouldn't!!
I agree the tww is horrible it seems to go on forever...

Yes I have had trouble at night to sleep but in the day and could sleep all day!! I think the main reason is the brain goes into overdrive and I lay there awake hoping this is the month.
I temped this morning and I've had another rise, actually the highest temp this month.
Another day of dreaming oh and bpn too....x

8 years ago • Post starter

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