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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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thanks Akotalk2me!

Im still incredibly hopeful. Which is weird. I should be sulking but I'm just like "nope, that test is wrong. I should go for a blood test". So weird right? I should just know I'm out by now, shouldn't i?

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

Im hoping for an April baby=) I O'd July 17 now im 15 dpo. Af was suppose to come yesterday but she didnt(THANK GOD!)but still want to wait a couple more days to test, so GL and BABYDUST everyone

10 years ago

Shamaobama: good luck!!! Can't wait til you test!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

hey everyone. So I didn't go to the doctors on CD 22. Ive just been really busy. Not really wanting to have a child since my fiancé and I split up. This evening I started getting nauseated. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Even my mom was like, you ok? Just moments ago I thought for sure I was going to vom. Thinking back, yesterday I was having a strange sensation in my lady area. Nothing I have had before. I checked the ticker....

On the 21st I had slept with my neighbor. people are saying it was a rebound. which by the ticker says I would have ovulated that day. (I posted about this earlier) yesterday would have been the most common implantations day. CRAP!! He is the last person I need to have a child with. He knew I took fertility drugs but then told me he had a vasectomy. Im sorry but what doctor would give a 24 year old man of one child something like that. I have a feeling he was lying to me. I don't know how to feel right now. Yes I do want a child, but not this way.
What are the chances of a vasectomy not working. he claimed he got it last November. the last time my fiancé and I slept together was on day 2 of my cycle before my AF got really bad. (sorry for TMI) Do you think there is a chance he would be the father.

Never thought I would see myself in the situation. Please help.

10 years ago

So yesterday I really thought af had reared her ugly face, so off I went to the gyni to get a scan done, and get a prescription for my next bout of clomid, doc advised me to take a months break, because of the clomid shortage, which might be a good idea considering I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose, with a nagging cough.

So late yesterday afternoon I go to the loo and guess what? No af, so I was like oh okay, maybe she is just taking a while to get into gear. But she still has not returned. Lol this is so confusing. Has this happened to anyone els?

I love the baby names idea, dh and I had the names all picked out at like 6months ttc. Girl name is either Mekayla Harmony or Harmony Rose, and the boy names are Sebastian Adrian.

So jumping around slightly, but do you guys think its wierd that my gyni doesn't want to put me on femera? He said that he wants to give my full 6 cycles on clomid, then only look at other options.

Oh and congratulations to everyone who got their bfp, im so happy for you!
And to all who are out this month, we will try again untill we succeed!

10 years ago

Princessholly-- did you take a test? Are you actually pregnant?

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10 years ago

10 dpo BFN.. ugh, just really starting to feel out.. if I had what I thought was implantation on 8 dpo, I would think I'd see something by now. This is so frustrating!!

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago

Hmm.. what dpo are you princessholly? If you are pregnant I hope you find peace with it. If you aren't, I'd make sure to wear protection bc there's so many things that could go wrong and always the possibility of pregnancy. My cousin's husband had a vasectomy and she wound up getting pregnant. The doc said it had reversed after 7 years. Sounds crazy to me! Good luck, dear!

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago

Princessholly: My father had a vasectomy and my mother had my little brother when I was 18. LOL!! My brother looks nothing like my mom at all just my fathers blood and guts. LOL!! When the procedure is done they are suppose to go back to get it checked. I think going to the Dr. once was enough for him, but it didn't work, So it could be possible.

AFM: Today I am 8 DPO and I cheated and tested, BFN! :( I guess I shouldn't be bummed, it is early. Temps are nice and high so I'm happy about that. If AF is going to show tomorrow and/or Sunday I should see a temp drop. Bbs aren't really hurting like they normally do, so hopefully that is a good sign. Got in a huge argument with DH last night, because I wouldn't stop asking me questions while I was watching the last 5 min of Law and Order SVU!! I felt so stupid, I don't know what is wrong with me. I normally am really good about keeping quite when he ticks me off but not last night. Is it Sunday yet??? :) I am so ready to test tomorrow morning again.

Anyone else 8DPO?

10 years ago

Hey Randall! I was snappy like that at 8 dpo too. Crazy hormones.. FX you get that beautiful bfp. I uploaded my test to see if I could see anything with the tools. I still think it's a BFN. At 10 dpo I thought I'd see something, but nope! Ugh :(

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago

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