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positive thanks to soy isoflavones!

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yay got my positive the first cycle using soy isoflavones. it so works! 10 dpo early response 6 days sooner

119 Replies • 13 years ago



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Yeah I heard the same from friends of mine that's why I am not really concerned at all. I am hoping that I will be UTD so there will be a nine month gap between cycles[wink] .

Here's to bringing home baby

10 years ago

Took the soy Iso this cycle. Today is cd 14. No positive OPKs yet. It was getting closer to a positive on cd 12 but got lighter after that. Temps are still down too. Fingers crossed I get a positive today. Starting to feel a bit down.
:( But glad there are a few of us taking the soy iso. FX it works for all of this this cycle. I'm going to follow you ladies!

10 years ago

Tawania, sorry to hear that! Keep us posted.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies.

This is my second cycle on SI. I upped my dosage this cycle to 200mg days 3/7. Last cycle I took 80mg cd2/3 120mg cd4/5 and 180 cd6. I am on cd11 and I got a +opk today. I usually don't get a +opk until cd13 and I O on cd 14.

Btw: I got a bdp 8/9 months ago but it ended in a m/c at 8weeks.

I will keep you guys updated. I look forward to seeing some bfps!

10 years ago

Today is cd 15, got close to positive opk last night at 5pm but got a super positive opk this morning around 10am. Better a few days late than not at all. I tested this morning because I was having lots of cramps and discomfort. So excited about this cycle now! Hubby and I dtd the past three night, hoping I can get him again tonight. Man I hope I see my temp rise tomorrow morning. I'm ready to be in the tww. Hope you ladies are doing well. Can't wait to see if the soy iso helped us!!!!

10 years ago

So I totally messed up my doses of SI because misread the bottle. I thought that they were 50 mg capsules when in fact they were 10 mg capsules. Grrrrr. So I actually took 20mg CD 4-6 so I took 200 mg today and will take 200 tomorrow. . And im guessing ill have to give it a go next cycle. Its so frustrating especially when u want something so bad.

10 years ago

Opps Mrshooper, hopefully what you did take will help and you guys catch the egg still so you won't need it next cycle. FX!!!

10 years ago

Hey ladies

MrsHooper: You are still ok. I think you caught it early enough and you have upped your dosage so you should be fine. Hang in there.

Afm: I obvulated 2 days easier with soy. I actually felt the sharp pain when the egg popped out. (I was sitting in church) I am now 2dpo so I'm in the tww.I will keep you guys posted.

10 years ago

Thanks ffor all the positive vibes. I'm taking my last dose of SI today. FX that this is my cycle. Zuberi what cd did you O? How long after u finished your soy was it? I hope u ladies are right and I got what I needed. Im gonna trt to bd every night till the end the month and hopefully I'll catch one. U ladies keep me posted

10 years ago

Well, today is CD 17 and DPO 1. I can't wait to see if I got my Soy baby. My O pains were not as bad as I thought they would be. First time I took it I had to take Tylenol to help take the edge off the pain but not this time it wasn't even close. So I'm hoping an praying. FX!!!!!!! How are you ladies doing??

10 years ago

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