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TTC month #2

Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and DH and I are in our 2nd month TTC. I'm 27, he's 26 and I have never been pregnant. This is a whole new world to me. I'm not charting, or symptom spotting, just praying and trying to remain calm and stress free and above all, FAITHFUL! I would love some wordss of encouragement from the women like me who let God be in control and not monitor every bodily change. Wishing baby dust to everyone!

2 Replies • 10 years ago



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I am in my second month ttc also. The only thing I suggest would to take prenatal vitamins and OPK are just super helpful! You can have sex all the time and leave it in gods hands but you can also miss the best timing :) the OPK I got were on Amazon and cheap. They are awesome! The Prenatal vitamins are vital because when you conceive your baby will need a lot of nutrients even before implantation.

10 years ago

Hi JennaNelson!

Thanks so much for your reply. Well, month 2 was a bust. AF actually came a couple days early! But we have high hopes for this month.

I actually bought some OPKs last night. I got the Clearblue digital because deciphering lines really isn't my thing lol. This morning I got a smiley face (high fertility) and we have been doing the dance almost every day. Lol I have been taking prenatals for almost 30 days now and praying consistently.

I am on CD 12. Where are you in your cycle? Is this your first time TTC? Would love to hear your story!

10 years ago • Post starter

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