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Who is on the long TWO WEEK WAIT.....

This is just general chatter to past the two week wait , share frustration joy , confusion , concerns, symptoms and of course what do think questions. We all know the waiting game is the hardest and seeing the is heartbreaking and wishing for is the hoping results. But during this time we drive our selves crazy with the symptom checking and the counting the . So I figured we needed a forum to come to and just share all the trails of this waiting game, share info about pcos, ttc etc. So please feel free to join and help pass the time and of course and

42 Replies • 9 years ago



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Well, I'm on the two HOUR wait to see if the doctor calls with a positive blood HCG. I had a one-day "period" this month after a two-day "period" last month that was four days late. My nipples are tender and my breasts a bit full, but that is the only symptom. Also my cp is high, soft and close with ewcm.

Doctor says if not preg then my hormones are just out of balance, which is annoying. Perfectly fine hormones and regular cycles my whole life right up until the moment I'm TTC. IDK. Resisting the urge to go out and buy a HPT.

9 years ago

Did you get your call for the news hope it was good news.
Mine af has been similar in the aspect that now that i want to and can have a baby i now have cos, irregular cycles and mass of problems.
The past three cycles have gone from 29 days all the way down to 26 days. Last cycle was heart breaking cause my af came 4 days early and lightly lasted for 2 days i thought for sure i had a bfp. but it wasn't it was bif fat negative. This cycle I'm 7 to 8 dpo and this one is feeling way weird unlike any other cycle i don't even feel like i am abut to get af all i feel is extremely tight pressure in my tummy even when sitting down its uncomfortable. its not bloating. My cp is also not the norma this time very closed and very soft its mid height which i don't go off that as it changes but it has never been this closed and soft close to af. along with tons of creamy cm. And I'm so tired but i get the burst of energy to. I'm just feeling way off. this is way different then the other cycles.

9 years ago • Post starter

Yeah. I am 1DPO and I don't know How I will stay sane for another 10-14 days when I can start testing. This one was an "Oopsie" We 4&5 Days Before Ovulation,(My app was wrong and I thought I was safe) so I am waiting to see if someone resulted from that. It would be a happy, but hellish surprise. This would be child #5!

I'm going nuts scouring the articles and boards about conception happening and sperm survival. I am wise enough to know the 'symptoms' are a lot of malarkey until So I am just waiting until I can POAS

To y'all tryin!

9 years ago

Yes it drives you way nuts. From the reading I have done online it says the sperm can last even up to 6 days. The first 2 days the male sperm usually die off cause they are the fastest swimmers but not the longest living the female sperm will be the slowest swimmers but longest life usually living to the end mark of the 6 days. Your egg only lives for 12 to 24 hours once it is released it only has that time frame to be fertilized. After the 24 hours it is no longer viable, although my Dr did tell me it would not be unusual for a women's egg to live for the 48 hours if she has strong eggs. So yes it is possible that you could get pregnant

9 years ago • Post starter

this wait is unbearable )) I am only 6dpo that's after the smiley face on clear blue ovulation test.
Perfectly regular cycles became havoc as soon as I started TTC
Normally 30 days, the last one was 23 days only ! The current one is on 21cd..

9 years ago

I'm 8 to 9 dpo today. And I started getting these mild cramps 2 days ago then again yesterday they started getting worse feels like I'm getting these mild contractions that's the best way to explain it. I'm hoping that it is implantation that I'm feeling. I hate this waiting all I want to see is a . My syptoms are still about the same that nervous feeling is still there.
It's frustrating about a perfectly normal aunt flow is que.en of the clocks then you decide you want ttc and she just up and turns into the wicked of the uterus. I swear each cycle gets shorter and shorter this current cycle is a 26 day cycle my ad keeps showing up 4 days early.which I feel is making it more complicated to figure out o day. So we just pretty much every day to make sure and double two days before and after we assume it might take place

9 years ago • Post starter

Wondering if anyone can help me ..or obsess with me! According to my three trackers (I'm obsessed), I ovulated on 19/08 and my OH and I DTD throughout the whole fertile period.

Cycle is usually 42 days but at 6dpo I had so many symptoms! Felt like I had the flu coming on, my back was killing me *I'll explain more on this* I had loads of twinges and pulling sensations on my left side, felt sick all the time, extremely tired, constant burping.. OH couldn't stop laughing when we went to bed and a massive burp came out!

Symptoms carried on and today am 12dpo, AF due in 2 days but I feel like I have no symptoms anymore and it's driving me crazy. I'm never one to have symptoms with BBs before AF but have noticed that veins are more prominent, look like they're going to burst out?

June - this is where the back pain becomes relevant - I had a chemical pg. Had a lot of the symptoms I'm having now but my back was hurting tremendous amounts and this is not one of my common AF symptoms so was worried. Took a test, got the smallest BFP line then a day later, "AF" started with a vengeance - heaviest/most painful ever. AF is usually quite tame for me at beginning, gets painful midway.

Now my back is hurting and I'm having more symptoms than I had before and I'm driving myself crazy.

Also had the sore throat come in at 9dpo but at 11dpo, I went to the doctor to find out I have tonsillitis, so either my immune system weakened THAT much or it's just a bad week to be ill! AGHH.

Please someone help? :( I'd love some good news this month after June's fiasco.

9 years ago

Hun i wish i could help but I'm in the same boat I'm 10 dpo. and i don't feel normal, i don't have any of my normal symptoms of tww nor do i have any symptoms that af is coming.
I o'd on the 8/ 21or22 I had temp drop and raise plus ewcm both days. Since o up until 6dpo i was starting to have the normal symptoms that i would get that would seem like i was also pregnant. We every single day 6 days before o and the following 3 days after for added measure
symptoms by dpo.
1- 4 dpo felt fatigue, slight nausea, constipation, tender breast and nips, slight cramping,bloating, headaches, backache, watery cm to creamy cm, bbt temps were normal average at 75.4 until 4 dpo and it shot up to 98.7
5-6 dpo gassy slight loose stools. boobs no longer tender but went to feeling full, no more cramps, nausea, bloating still having high bbt not going below 98.4,
7 -8 dpo way more creamy cm, cervix mid very soft and closed. gassy very firm and tender feeling to my stomach, got the worst cramping on my left side starting 7 dpo would come and go but would be very crampy, boobs are only tender and tingly now during the morning, i have much more increase of appetite, and potty breaks, no symptoms from the first week after o. bbt temp dropped to 97.9 on 7 dpo and shot back to 98.1 the following day.
9 to 10 dpo all i have is inquired cm same cervix feeling temp stayed at 98.2 on day 9 and went way down to 97.4 on day 10. increased appetite and craving sweets, woke up three time in the night to go pee, felling more fatigue but burst of energy, still gassy but now have indigestion even after drinking water. my stomach is swollen and tight.
im so confused don't know what to think

9 years ago • Post starter

It's so horrible! I just want to know now!

TMI - my cm earlier was very stretchy and like cloudy white? I managed to stretch it to 2-3 inches.. But now it's thick and creamy, quite tacky, it keeps changing!!??!?

My nipples got really sensitive earlier as well, knocked my bbs on the table and it was the weirdest sensation ever. The antibiotics and the painkillers I'm taking keep making me ill so I can't even class diarrhoea as a symptom, but then I keep getting stomach cramps and I don't know if it's from that or AF? It's really difficult to tell.

AF is usually at the bottom of my uterus and quite sharp and shooting, but these are all over - plus getting ridiculously itchy belly!!

Wish I could just know now :( as I said, I randomly have tonsillitis and I don't usually just get ill, just like that, so it's rather confusing how it's happened? But then I doubt it would go to that extreme if I were pg, if that makes sense?

I don't know. I guess I'll have to wait until Wednesday to see if the dreaded AF makes an appearance. When are you due?

9 years ago

That's how i feel to i just want to know already. I'm due for af around wednesday or thursday. Its hard to say cause the past three cycles my af has showed up early last cycle showed up 4 days early.

9 years ago • Post starter

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