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AF 3 days late, BFN..

Very regular cycles up to this point. AF is 3 days late, with no signs of showing up.

BFN this morning with FMU.

Any thoughts, experiences, comments... all would be appreciated to help pass the time until AF shows or BFP surprises me.

5 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Replies

I am having the same problem! Now 7+ days late, and still no BFP. I also think my wondfos are fake because they look different than all the pictures posted. Trying to save my FRERs for 1 time a week.

10 years ago

How do you know you are late? Do you temp? Use opk? Cycles change and what we think is something that always happens doesnt work here, its hard to tell when you ovulate based on the assumption of im always regular

10 years ago

My husband and I are not currently TTC. We were back in the fall, but with hopes for a spring baby we stopped in October and decided to wait a year. We were planning on TTC again in July.
So I haven't been charting, so I know that the odd cycle can go a bit longer. But I've never been over 30 days. I have no regular AF symptoms as of yet.
Only line of protection has been withdrawal (tmi alert).
I didn't think I had any pregnancy symptoms, until the day I missed my period. All of the sudden I'm remembering the fatigue, one night where it felt like I had restless leg syndrome, the frequent headaches, and the increased appetite. I know all of these could just be in my head and be coincidence.
How late should I wait before going to see a doc?

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm in the same boat. Just 3 days late, but I'm irregular - have only ever had a period this long one time and it was the month I came off BC pills. I'm temping and temps have remained high unlike other months, but two days in a row negative PG test. Today is CD 30 and I'm usually a 27 day cycle. I have no symptoms other than more than normal CM. Trying to stay positive, but not get my hopes up as I have been concerned that I'm not O'ing.

10 years ago

Same here! Expect for my first month off bc my cycles have been regularly 30 days. I'm on cd 33 now. I might actually even be cd 34. I forgot to write it on the calendar until AF was over, so i forgot if it was the Saturday or Sunday that I started.

I've had more than usual cm too, especially for this time in the cycle. Usually dry as a bone now until AF shows. I keep running to the washroom to see if she came but it's just cm.

Since we weren't actively trying I'm at peace with whatever happens, but there's a HUGE part of me that hopes this is real and that we can skip the TTC stresses!

Good luck to you and lots of baby dust!

10 years ago • Post starter

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