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40+ TTC in 2015

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I had to scroll through so many pages to find recent ladies who are TTC and decided to open a new thread for 2015. This should make it easier to find friends and buddies who are going through the same emotional roller coaster of TTC in their 40's.
Is it worth opening a new thread monthly to keep it current?
Would also like to wish everyone the best of luck, the more people that get a BFP gives the rest of us hope so please don't forget to post.
Baby dust to all ????

219 Replies • 9 years ago



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To everyone who wrote about the "mammoth challenge" of BD'ing enough around O time, I sincerely want to thank you! I thought i was the only one.

I am very intrigued by what Kerzie said about the syringe—definitely not TMI, by the way. That could be so helpful for us. We just got back from our trip away and for the FIRST time, after charting 17 cycles, we scored a "high" on fertility friend = we BD'd on O-2, O-1 and O. Every cycle I get so frustrated when it is so much pressure that we often only get to trying once. We totally fought the last two nights this time but we managed to do it anyway. Oh dear! Not the greatest.

I will be reading up on the syringe method for next month and Mozart, good thinking on the IUI to take away some of the stress. Maybe that's next. I'm 3 DPO and obsessing... to all!

8 years ago

I agree, Frannie, the syringe method is worth considering. I will read up on it also. I am so glad Kerzie gave us a new option lol. This will help many!!
Good luck to all

8 years ago

Hi everyone,
It's officially flu season and I'm tucked up tonight in bed with a hot water bottle feeling slightly light headed, not sure if it's the pills or flu?
Ovulation is either yesterday or today and the last thing I want to do is bd! But alas I can't allow a cycle to pass without trying so I will be putting my big girl panties on (or should I say off) and going for gold. I feel sorry for my poor dh having to perform looking at me at the moment, the last I checked the Rudolph look isn't his thing. Maybe I should wear a mask? Any suggestions?

to everyone, depending what stage you are at xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Oh, Kerzie, you are such a trooper! Maybe curl up together, watch a movie and have ice cream together in bed and take it from there (if you have that luxury of time)? Do you use preseed? It has helped me so much. I hope the claims are true, that it is 100% sperm friendly, because it makes BD'ing when you are really not into it SO much easier. Or, were you going to try the syringe option?

8 years ago

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well (especially Kerzie, I hate flu season!) I'm not sure how many of you are in the US, but Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate! I'm looking forward to cooking and relaxing with my two older kids (16 and 20) and my hubby.

Mozart - how was your trip? Any word on the TWW yet?

Kerzie - I think you and I are on the same cycle (or close), as I'm 1 DPO today. Now for the dreaded TWW. Gosh I hope you feel better soon, no one likes to be sick (and symptom Here's hoping this is both our cycles! Wouldn't that be something?!

Franny - Have you tested yet? When are you expecting the ? Hopefully not for at least 9 months! I'm sending you

TC, Talula, BabyAngel - What's going on with you ladies??

AFM - 1DPO today confirmed with temps, and DTD more than ever, lol. I think we were teenagers again this month, crazy! Hopefully, this will be our month! If not, we sure did have fun trying! Thanks for being there for me ladies, you're all in my thoughts.


8 years ago

Hello all,
Franny, I have used preseed for the past few months since I read about hostile cm. Having autoimmune issues I figured if my body attacks itself what are the chances it lets my dh's swimmers float around without trying to assassinate them? Bd this morning, it's just as well you get comfortable in your skin as you age cos we spent so much time laughing at ourselves. Think I will try syringe tonight as my cough is getting ridiculous.
Good news is, with all the vits I'm taking I should get over this in record time. My ds has recovered already. Think children should be steam cleaned on entering and exiting school!!

Pixandpoetry, You go girl!!!!!!! We all need to feel like teenagers every now and then, let's hope your eggs feel like teens too and they produce a perfect sticky wee bean Wouldn't that be something.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrates it, we don't really hear about it over hear but I raise my (figurative) glass of wine with you all (non alcoholic, of course) and say "I'm thankful to have found you all"

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello you wonderful ladies! Good to see so much activity on here. I've been folowing along right with you, but have been busy getting ready for Turkey day! Thank you all for your words of encouragement. Currently I'm on cd6 and dh is chomping at the bit so to speak. Yes, so we'll see if we can manage the every other day bd this cycle! LOL

Kerzie - you crack me up! Thank you... for your toast. I love this holiday! I host so I'm busy getting the house ready, favors & centerpiece made and cooking like a fiend. I'm one of 'those' who refuses to decorate for Christmas (my fav holiday) before Thanksgiving. I hope you feel better soon!

Pix-I agree... it's good to be teenagers and try to have fun with this bd. Sometimes it just seems like such a chore to get the timing down that it's easy to forget just the simple things like being close and appreciating each other. You made me giggle.

Franny - I have been using preseed forever. It does really help and makes it more comfortable when you're just not that into it so to speak.... It is also used in fertility treatments as I understand it....

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA. Prayers and positive vibes to all who are ttc no matter where you are!! Thank God for the technology today... we would not be able to confide and uplift our fellow ttc friends otherwise. I appreciate all of you!

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8 years ago

No news on TWW, still on progesterone, still traveling and will be out of the loop for a while. Drs office is closed anyways so the blood test will wait.
Good luck to all with bd, patience, testing, etc, and everything connected to the baby chase :)
Gobble, gobble!

8 years ago

I dont know what to do; feeling so low.

Firstly, because my hubby dear is travelling past two months so i missed any chance during my last cycle and now he is coming for stay for 5 days starting tomorrow (leaving on 6th) and guess what tomorrow will be my CD 4 and my expected OD will fall somewhere around 8th of December...................seems like i will miss my chance this cycle also

any suggestions to make it workable this cycle...........

8 years ago

SZ1971, so sorry to hear that. I understand. My husband travels for work a lot and as well is in a touring band. I think we have missed 4 cycles due to this and each time I am frustrated and kind of angry, in truth (...why can't TTC be a priority, etc...)! Anyway, it sounds like your hubby will be leaving 2 days before your expected O date? Seems like there are definitely people who manage to conceive on that day—I have seen it after endless surfing through fertility friend pregnancy charts. Can you BD on the day before he leaves as well as the morning that he leaves? If you do not have a lot of ewcm maybe use some preseed to help the sperm hang out until you O? Sounds like there could still be a chance.

8 years ago

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