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After 22months 23days TTC and yesterday having the doctor request I go for me second pelvic ultrasound in a relatively short space of time (I had one august 2012 that came back all clear - I even told the doctor this) I have given up hope of EVER having my own baby and it breaks my heart.

All I've ever wanted in life was to have my own children and now I just feel that is never going to happen.

I see people on this site, like me, desperate for their own baby. Then I step out into the real world and see so many parents complaining about the inconvenience their children are to them, and I feel sick.

It seems the people willing to move heaven and earth to be parents are denied the chance to have their own children while those who don't have any problems getting pregnant couldn't care less about the children that they have been blessed with. It's just not fair.

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4 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 4 of 4 Replies

Hugs, I hear you I have noticed the same thing. Sometimes it seems like sex isn't how people really get pregnant cause it sure hasn't worked for me ever. I really hope that you get to have a baby and I am so sorry you are feeling sad.

10 years ago

My heart breaks for you and all of us who are trying to achieve a dream that we have had for a long time. But we have been chosen for this journey because we have proven that we can handle it so we have to be patient and wait to see what is in store for us in the end.

~ Nissy ~ User Image

10 years ago

I'm finally pregnant

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10 years ago • Post starter

Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I can, somewhat, understand how you feel. I have 1 child and 2 angels, one which was born at 21 weeks.. just 2 days after we found out he was a boy. I just get so sick to my stomach when I see women taking their children for granted. I get sick to my stomach when people ask me why we don't want more, as if we said we didn't, and even when people ask me if we want more. I would if I could.

I hope you get your own sweet little baby! They are worth more than all the joy in the world!

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10 years ago

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