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Need some advice before I take the clomid....

Hello ladies!

So, I went into my gyno today for my yearly exam and talked to her about the fact that my BBT chart indicated that I have a short luteal phase (8 days). My DH and I have only been TTC 5 months but my cycles have ranged 33-38 days and I have been ovulating really late in my cycle. My doctor said clomid would help move up my ov day (last month I o'd on CD 25). She also ordered a blood test to check my thtroid (due to low BBTs) and put in an order to have my DH's sperm analyzed.

I love that she is being so proactive, but we've only been trying for 5 months and I thought clomid was like a last ditch effort....I am only 27.

I don't mind taking it if the side effects are minimal and it will speed up the TTC process, but I want some advice first. What do you ladies think? Please help!!!

1 Reply • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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hi TeacherToria, clomid can either be a last effort or a second option (ttc naturally comes first) it just all depends on how far you want to go to try to get pregnant, some people will go as far as IVF, to get pregnant, I am on clomid right now (my 2nd round) and i am hoping that this month will be the month cuz we wont really be able to afford to go as far as IVF, I havent really had any side effects with clomid, but that doesnt mean that you wont either cuz ever person is different.

also just to let you know i have PCOS so my dr. also has me on metformin 1000mg daily, not cuz i am diabetic but it regulates my cycles (its basically like bc, as far as regulating my cycles)

i think that if you feel ready to move to the next approach of ttc, then this might be your choice. but only do it if your ready to take it, (im just really trying to say its not that bad when you are taking it , but you need to decide if your done ttc naturally and are ready to use fertility aids.

hope that helps. : )

baby dust to you and hope all goes well : )

13 years ago

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