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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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hi everyone! here is a little background on me. i was recently diagnosed with PCOS. I've had the hsg done in sept. my re wanted to know if tubes are blocked. The day I went in for the hsg the dye didnt go up my tubes. i was told that I would have to have surgery. A month later they did the laprascopy and everything looked good, no blockage or damaged tubes. 12th of December started provera. af came on xmas. I was on clomid 100 mgs for days 3-7. I went in for a follicle scan on cd 14. follies were very small. my re waited a for a day or two to check my progesterone levels and the clomid wasnt working. so without af i was started on 150mg of clomid. a follicle scan on cd 29 and i had 2 follicles, 19.5mm and 15mm. I triggered thursday morning and had the iui early friday afternoon cd 32. I am currently 4dpiui. i hope this iui works for me on the first try!!


11 years ago

Hsg wasn't bad at all, just some pressure from the dye. I heard that if you have blocked tubes that it can be painful, because sometimes they try to unblock the tube by injecting more dye. Try and relax, i got real worked up for it as well and it ended up being fine.
Afm, i had ultrasound yesterday, only two follies, 20 &18, triggered last night and IUI tomorrow.

11 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to add to this forum as I have tried to get pregnant for 2 years without success. My husband and I were then referred to a fertility clinic and we found out my husband doesn't produce any sperm at all. So we have to use a donor to have a baby. We tried an IUI with clomid and on the second try it was successful and now I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. Once she was about a year we started tring again. I am just going into the 4th round of IUI in the past year. We now use puregon injectiosn and a trigger shot. There isn't anything wrong with my fertility as far as we know. Tomorrow will be day 8 o fmy cycle and I will be going to get an ultrasound and bloodwork done. Hopefully my little eggies have started to grow and I have a few good ones getting ready. It was really nice to stumble across this forum and to see so many other women going through the same thing. Its so hard sometimes becasue everyone around you feels bad for you but no one really understands wha tyou have to go through. Its amazing how many women have trouble conceiving.

11 years ago

It's true. Lots of couples dealing with infertility. I use this forum and fertility community, that site had a ton of information and has only people with fertility issues posting on there. You should check it out..

11 years ago

You are all right! I see a lot of young women with fertility problems at the clinic I go! This is probably the issue of the new generation! My mother is shocked how informed we are today about conceiving! :)

As for the hsg...thank you for encouraging me! I might have my tubes blocked as I had an ectopic pregnancy one year ago! I am afraid of an potential laparoscopy. I am really scared but I should probably go ahead and check my tubes once and forever. I hope God will be by my side!

Jaye, Goldenegg and lilangel wish you all good luck and let's keep in touch! It's impressing what you have been through and you don't give up!

11 years ago

lilangel2nd: I am sort of in the same boat as you. My DF has retrograde ejaculation so nothing comes out. Our options were IVF at a cost of 15,000 and a wait of 10 months or more to get it done and have to travel or IUI with donor sperm (about 1,000 per try). We decided to go with IUI. I'm currenlty on day 2 and just started taking Femara. On day 9 I get an u/s and then I'll get the trigger shot (not sure which day yet). Anyway I'm super excited and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who is going through this (especially with donor sperm). Congrats on your daughter! I hope this round is a success for you:)

11 years ago

Hello all, had IUI today. 7.3 million swimmers, which is great for my husband! Super excited. Start progesterone suppositories Friday and beta 2/13.
Good luck to us all, praying this will be the cycle that brings us our babies!

11 years ago

@goldenegg: GL AND BABY DUST!!!ð???

Has anyone felt a few sharp pains on 1 side? I've been feeling af like cramps as well. Also if the trigger shot is gone, how come my nips are still sore(tmi sorry). I'm currently 6dpiui and ov.

11 years ago

I got those pains a few times last cycle, I'm not sure what that is. Trigger usually is gone 9dpiui for me. Did you test it out? Implantation usually doesn't occur until the second half of tww.

11 years ago

I have a question for you ladies who are doing IUI's. I had my day 8 bloodwork and ultrasound done yesterday and was told my uterus lining was .8. Do any of you know what is it supposed to be or if that's a good measurement for day 8. Just curious. Also I have at least 1 good egg that measured 1.5 and a second one measured 1.0. So the doctor said we'll see if the second catches up. My estradiol level was 564 which is the highest number I've had on a day 8. Is that a good sign?

I hope everyone who just had their IUI's will have BFP in a week or so. I know when I had my first successful IUI I didn't feel anything until I was 10 weeks pregnant. It was so werid.

11 years ago

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