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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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oh Golden that is great news! attack swimmers attack. lol i am sending you prayers and baby dust wishes.

11 years ago

Heyyy, Goldenegg....wish you good luck! These are good news! I hope this time you will succeed!

Yesterday I visited my doctor. We decided to take a break and start conceiving in January. We decided this month I will not take clomid either, because I take it from august every month and it has a few side effects on me. We'll ttc naturally, maybe Santa will give us a baby

On the 15th of December we scheduled an ultrasound in order to see how I naturally ovulate.

Texasgirl, if I don't get pregnant this cycle I would have the second IUI around 14th of January. Keep in touch!

11 years ago

Ok ladies i need an update???? how are we doing. I think i am back on my 30/15 because i ovulated last night. omg talk about cramps! so then i should expect AF on 25 and iui on 7th! changing donnor this one has a reporeted 15-20 preganacy rate sooooo wish me luck

11 years ago

That's great Texas!
Afm, i am 6dpiui and other then feeling super bloated, no symptoms. It seems like today the bloating has calmed some, so that's good. As of now i have no desire to poas so I'm just going to go with it and hold out as long as i can

11 years ago

Hey ladies I was about to write here!
Goldenegg keep us updated on how you feel! I hope you already have a little baby down there!

Texasgirl, I am glad you ovulated and got back to your 30/15

I am so far away from you :) I am now CD 10. On the 13th CD I have scheduled an ultrasound to see my follies. I usually ovulate on the 15th or 16th CD. We'll see what happens this cycle.

11 years ago

I am so glad we are staying in touch. We can do this ladies i know we can. GE let us know how it goes super excited for you. Saberina we will have our baby i just know it

11 years ago

Hello everyone! So today I'm 8dpiui and still don't have any symptoms. Yesterday was really rough, my 13yo has really been challenging me lately and it had really Been stressing me out, he told me he feels like i don't want him living at our house! Wow! he gathered this because at times whenhe asks me questions I'm short with him!
He is My only child and has everything...i just feel like its only going to get worse when and if i get pregnant...i just feel likeI'm failing as a parent.
My poor husband doesn't know what to do (he's my son's step dad), he blames it on hormones! I think who's? Mine or my son's!
Sorry, i just need to vent

11 years ago

After today i just want to take every child i see and bubble wrap them and bullet proof them from head to toe. As a teacher this is magnified today.
I have no children of my own, but i know that you love your son. Cut yourself and and him a little slack. have a you and him day and reconnect.
Best of luck love you can do this.

11 years ago

Thank you so much! I told him i would work on it...when i picked him up from school he said he had presents for me. He won me some earrings And a snow flake ornament. The best thing that happened all day!

11 years ago

My dear Ladies!

Yesterday I had the ultrasound and I am definitely out this month because I have one huge follicle (30 mm) which is not viable, and other follies under 12 mm. These are my results without stimulation.

I hope Goldenegg will get this month!

Texasgirl, let's hope for January!

11 years ago

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