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Back again :(

I'd been spotting on and off since week 6. I felt like something was wrong because my symptoms weren't that strong. I went in yesterday and should have been 9 weeks but baby was still measuring 6. He or she must have died shortly after our first scan. :(

So numb. Still waiting for it to happen.

The doctor wants me to do testing before we try again. I don't think it's anything genetic since I went further with the other babies and they were still alive right before I delivered them. But I guess testing couldn't hurt? I just don't know if my insurance will cover it. Guess I'll have to find out.

Mother's Day is in a month. My sil just had her second baby and my younger sister is due in a few weeks. And what do I have? 3 angels I don't get to hold. I feel so alone, family and friends mean well but they just can't relate. Don't they say like 1 in 4 women will experience a miscarriage ? Well I feel like I'm always that "1".

What now? :(

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8 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Comments

I'm so sorry hun. I really think you should go in and get some testing done. It can't hurt. And speak with your doctor and find out what your insurance will cover. I wish I could hug you right now.

8 years ago

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :) What a road this has been! I think I need to give my body a break for a while. Maybe really focus on fostering for a while.

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8 years ago • Post starter

I feel so bad for you. Be brave.

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8 years ago

I'm so sorry you have had to endure so much. I believe you should follow through with the doctor's suggestion or at least find out what you can do with your insurance. It will help lift some of the weight from you. I pray that all is well and that you get your miracle baby soon. Hugs

8 years ago

Thanks. Yeah I plan to do that, I just don't know how soon. I just need a break. Then again, right after each other loss I didn't feel like ttc again either. But then like a week later I was ready. So we'll see. Still have to wait for everything to pass before I can even really start thinking about the next step...

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8 years ago • Post starter

Im sorry to hear that. Please be strong. Im sure you will have one of your own. Take care.

to everyone and me~ User Image

8 years ago

Praying for you sweetie, keep your head up..

8 years ago

OMG I am so sorry to hear that! I didn't even know you were pregnant again. I'm so sorry. I am right there with you, 3 Angels that I can't wait to meet after this miserable life. I'm praying for you love

8 years ago

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