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End of my tether.....

I have two daughters from a previous relationship 9 & 12. I had no issues at all conceiving them.
I honestly don't know how much longer I can carry this on.
I got to 16dpo before I started to bleed today.
My body teases me with a 2 day late period and hardly no af signs.
The one month we succeeded I then miscarried at 5.4weeks.
I don't know what else to do. This will now be our 7th cycle.
I track my cycle religiously. I Know to the day when things will be happening.
Me n hubby DTD -3 days to ovulation, then on the day and one day after. So every night.
We use the lube to help Sperm and we always do it at night so I get to lay down for hours after.
Neither of us smoke or drink and we're both eating healthy.
We can't do any more any better yet STILL its not happening.
I'm tired of being depressed by it all, tired of the upset and feeling like a failure.
My fiancé is unbelievably supportive.
I tried everything.... And as much as it hurts I don't want to give up.
I want to be pregnant so badly I resent the mums or mums to be around me.
At 35 every lost month hurts more.
I'm researching Clomid and progesterone... Neither of which I will be able to get my hands on.
I'm just at a loss.

4 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

I'm so sorry the witch showed up. You were recently pregnant, so it WILL happen & your body knows what to do. Hang in there!
Side note: Have you thought about having your vitamin D & thyroid levels checked?

9 years ago

I second Eat - don't give up. Your body knows what to do and it will happen. *hugs*

9 years ago

I know exactly how u feel. I have a 14yr old son whom we conceived while on bc, he was 12 when we started ttc #2. In my mind, I was thinking, "I got pregnant while on a pill designed to prevent that...this should be easy"...mhmm...when we passed the 1yr mark, reality hit...hard! From there, it took another 8 months to get a BFP. No cp's or mc's...just stark white tests. Dr's tests came up perfect and there really was no valid reason for it to take that long...but it did! What helped me swallow the "pill of failure", every cycle, was to focus on what I could do different, better, higher doses of, for the coming cycle(s). I had so much focus on what had to be done, it made what wasnt done, easier to accept. Lemme tell u, when that BFP came, it was pure shock! I had zero expectations every cycle. I set my mind to BFN from 1dpo on, doing that, made it never hurt...also made the victory, that much more sweet! Look up Soy Isoflavones, they may help!
Good luck! =))

9 years ago

Thankyou-especially Dakotagurl... I can't think of much else I could change... But hubby has helped reset my mind... Lots of cuddles and we'll try again... Etc...I feel bad for getting frustrated when some others have been trying for so much longer.... But I'm such a control freak perfectionist... I always try and ignore what my bodies doing and try not to test during the 2ww but it's sooooo hard.
Well fingers crossed again for this month...... Only good thing is that I get to have sex every night for 7/8 days in a row! Lol!
Once I get pregnant no doubt I'll miss ovulating lol!
Thanks ladies

9 years ago • Post starter

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