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12 dpiui

I am anxious about taking a +HPT. For the last 11 cycles, I have seen nothing but BFN's and I'm really trying to not get my hopes up after my 1st IUI 12 days ago. I'm STILL not sure if I actually ovulated the same day or day after my IUI so I have been keeping it at 11 dpo. I've have read a lot of successful 1st IUI stories and even have a friend who had PCOS who had a successful 1st IUI. Since my tests came back as low progesterone on 7 dpo, I've been taking 200 mg Prometrium since but I feel that all of these symptoms or lack there of is giving me false hope. This cycle my BBs don't hurt! My face and neck are breaking out in pimples, my hair is extra oily, I've been cramping every day however that is not unusual. When I talk, i find myself almost spitting on the person I'm conversating with (yuck!) and the vivid dreams... seriously dreaming of bleeding out again and 1 night I dreamt that I was breastfeeding my baby. I've had dizzy spells getting up after doing floor work outs and yesterday carrying my sleeping 4 year old up the stairs to put him in his bed from the car.
I go to the gym 3 or 4 days a week. I went on Sunday and Monday this week and did Hip retraction machine... my legs are STILL killing me today on Weds which is extremely unusual. It's never gone this many days in which my legs are this sore. Is it the progesterone? Is it early signs of pregnancy? I fear that when I take a HPT on Friday like the Dr. told me to at 13dpo (or 14 dpiui) that it will not show a BFP even if it is in fact a + but not showing that soon and I will have to stop the Prometrium. I am at the point I fear testing because I dont want to see a BFN. Ugh.

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

5 Comments • 10 years ago



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Thank you luckyrobin! I hope that brings me luck! :-)

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

10 years ago • Post starter

Sounds promising! FX'ed!!

10 years ago

Yes sounding very promising. Fingers and toes are tightly crossed for you. Exciting!!! :0)xx

10 years ago

Your symptoms sounds promising! Fingers crossed!x

10 years ago

Sounds pretty good. Good luck!

Me-31- MTHFR Compound Hetero, Mild Hypo, "Possible" Endo. Blessed w/14 yo Son SO-37- MFI (count/motility), MTHFR Compound Hetero, Type 1 Diabetic. No Bio Children TTC "OUR" #1 Since November 2011 4/13/13- Natural Miscarriage @ 6W January 2014- 1st RE visit February 2014- Started Femara 5mg ??- IVF/ICSI My Ovulation Chart User Image

10 years ago

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