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My TWW may begin today! Any other ladies had AF on 5/2/12?

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I think this it! I am sure I am ovulating today, if so, then my TWW countdown has officially begun! I do not want to jump to any conclusions but I just really, really feel like this will be our time!!

Any other ladies who had a period on 5/2/12 with a 27 cycle day out there?

The wretched is due on 5/29. I am hoping and praying that she will NOT show her dreary self for 9 months!! I am hoping for a that day or sooner!!

to many ladies out there!!

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90 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Sasha!

I too am 5 dpo. I was tempted of using one OPK test I have left. I didn't know how to use them at first and was left with one test. I did however try to test (I know dumb of me) but I was just curious to see if I may have ovulated a little sooner.

I plan on testing again on Thursday, I think by then I would be 9 DPO, you should be too. My cycle is suppose to begin on 5/29, what's your number of cycle days? So far mine has been 27 days. But I have had some 30 cycle days too.

Well lets keep each other posted!! Hope that our dreaded does NOT appear for 9 months!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi emyyjunito

Yeah, I was thinking i might test this Tursday or Friday as well...

I have always had a 28 day cycle, almost like clockwork, so Im hoping that my body doesnt try to play funny buggers with me now that I am actually paying attention to everything it is doing!!!

Do you have any symptoms?

12 years ago

I do! I feel this weird faint cramping around my lower back. I've been feeling it all day and it's been getting a little stronger as the night approaches. I also continue to feel tired. I just want to sleep. The minute I sit in bed for whatever reason, this "sleepiness" begins to take over and if I lay my head on the pillow, I am gone!

My boobs also feel heavy and for the last few hours a little tingly and my nipples feel sensitive. I also have had a very low appetite and I love to eat!

How about you?

This is the first time in a while since I actually been totally paying close attention to my body. We were going to give up until after August as I have been wanting to lose weight for our cruise coming up August 11th; but this time I have been feeling very strange and immediately stopped working out (for fear of another miscarriage); stopped taking any over counter drug like supplements to lose weight and decided to see what happens during this last cycle. My LMP was on 5/2/12 and it was a 27 day cycle.

I really, really believe this is it for us! I know we have a cruise approaching (celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary) , but should we happen to get that wonderful , I would only be 18 weeks during our cruise and II read that I would be fine to go on anyway. Plus I would be able to relax an enjoy a week away with my DH enjoying the eastern Caribbean!

Good luck to you and you other ladies hoping for an early February

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12 years ago • Post starter

Im not sure if i have symptoms at all - or if they are all just in my head!!!!

My tummy has been grumbling away for the past couple of days and I cant seem to get it to stop - tender breasts, but that would be because i keep prodding them to see if they are are tender!!!

Some mild cramping sensations but nothing to severe. Because i've paid so little attention to my cycle in the past I'm not sure if these things are all normal for me or not!!!

I guess we will know more in the next week or so!!!

Fingers crossed for us all

12 years ago

I don't feel much different, besides the fact that I feel with AF being so close that I should be feeling bloated and cramps all the time. But I have cramps once in a while throughout the day, but mostly been getting sharp pains randomly. I've been urinating more then I normally do, like throughout the night a lot, so I've lowered my fluid intake, still peeing like no other, my breasts are a lil sore and tender, my face is breaking out pretty bad, and I'm still having vivid dreams (& they are some weird), also starting the other day i've been feeling twinges, and what feels like muscle spasms in my uterus haha.. but idk i'm still early! :)

I'm 5dpo & 4 days before I start testing if i can wait that long haha I really want my

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

12 years ago

My CD1 was also on 5/2 but I have a 23-25 day cycle. I took an OPK test on 5/11 and it was positive nd positive again on 5/12 but I didn't take anymore. I just thought it was so weird because so many women talk about trying to catch their surge and here mines lasted for at least 2 days. Do I am assuming that I ovulated around 5/13 so that would make me about 9 DPO and I am not feeling so hot...boobs are killing me, bras feel extra tight, and brushing my teeth was so hard this morning...I almost threw up from just the mouth wash and brushing made me gag....hopefully this is it!

12 years ago

Welcome MrsWilliams!

Oh wow how exciting! I know it may not be fun to gag while brushing your teeth, but when it comes down to the possibilities of that gag is a potential then bring on the gag!

Can you please keep us posted? We would love to know if you are one of the lucky gals that will end up with a

Today I am only feeling very little and faint cramping but that's about it. I'm a little tired but not as exhausted as I was during my big O. I truly believe I Ovulated on the 15th. Still have to wait it out

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12 years ago • Post starter

yes, definitely wait a little bit emyyjunito, unlike me who can't lol i gotta test every day. i'm crazyy :) haha

test from today

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-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

12 years ago

7dpo tomorrow, almost halfway!!!!

Felt pretty average today but think I might be coming down with a cold....

Fingers crossed for some very soon! Good luck ladies

Let's hope we get some

12 years ago

Good morning Sasha and usmcwife!!

I see someone is very much into POS!

I just noticed my countdown says 6 more days... I don't know if I should test in 6 days or test this Friday which I would be at 10 DPO? I fear a disappointment

I am growing more and more anxious! Today I am feeling only a little bit of faint cramping but that is it. All my major symptoms I was feeling a few days ago seem to have disappeared. I guess I was feeling those symptoms due to me ovulating. However, I forgot, I have noticed my boobs have felt somewhat tingly at times or a bit sore....

I really, really hope this is it for us!!! I do not want to lose faith! I also that the wretched DOES NOT appear on 5/29!!

How about you gals, any symptoms today?

Well I'll be checking in again a little later. I catch myself in this website far more often NOW than I ever have been before.

Here is hoping for a ladies!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

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