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I delivered our angel son on may 18, 2016. I was 28 weeks along, we lost him due to trisomy 18. worst say of or lives, but by Gods grace we have gotten through. my question is regarding AF after delivery. I bled for 3 weeks after delivery then had my period about 2 weeks later, so i started my period 35 days after i delivered him. Before pregnancy my AF was always regular and was 26-28 day cycle. How do I know if i am late or if its just a iregular AF? we did ttc this month and i got a pos. smiley face about 11 days ago for ovulation. But today i am cycle day 29 and just wondering if this is considered late? I wouldnt normally consider being preg already but for the past 4 days i have been feeling just like i did when i was pg with our son. loose stools, sore boobs off and on, trouble sleeping, cramping off n on and bad indigestion and gas. And yes i know we should wait atleast 3-6 months before ttc again, but empty arms r hard and our dr gave us the ok,

13 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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I was misccarriage my 20weeks angel girl last year Septemeber. I bleed for around 3 weeks, but the last 1 week is a very minor bleeding. Then after 45 days, I had my first period, but till now I not even have my second period. Anyway I had PCOS, so I always had irregular period. January onward I start taking metformin and after 3 months with no hope and no AF, then i visit my gynae and he said my lining was thick so he gave me norethisterone for withdrawal bleed, but he said is a good sign, should be ok now. But now was after 3 months, I am still no AF, but since 12th July I had sore breast,nipple on and off, headache on and off, stomach cramp on and off. I am praying hard that I had my rainbow baby. I am still waiting to did pregnancy test again.

Since your Dr said is ok, so that should be fine.
Maybe you can do the pregnancy test few more day later.

I hope that you got BFP soon :) All the best

8 years ago

Thank u! I hope you receive your rainbow baby as well. I have test left over from before but am too scared to test lol. I it would be amazing to be able to have that bfp on my angels original due date aug. 9th. Its so fraustrating not knowing when to expect your Af .

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey there ladies,
My DH I and I lost our baby boy when I was 36wks along back in April of 2015. I had an emergency C-section. I bleed for a few weeks I didn't get my first post pregnancy period until the end of June 2015. June and July were both longer than my normal periods and I felt pregnant during that time. The Doc said because my hormones were trying to regulate it gave me symptoms that I was pregnant again. DH and I got the green light to start trying again last AUG we have been trying and trying for our rainbow but we were unsuccessful. We are truly hoping this is our month! Good luck I hope you all get what you want out of this life cause lets face it we all have enough.

good luck!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

If you got a positive opk 11 days ago then you probably ovulated about 24 to 48 hrs after that. You are probably around 9dpo today. Test in a few days. Good luck and I am so sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

Dear ladies

Baby dust to all of us. Let us got the bfp together this month.
You might can test 5days later.

Miam1324, may I know what the reason you lost the little one while 36weeks?

Momma doll , yes I am very frustrated for do not know when I ovulate and also did not know when to expect my Af will be here. So I always like have this thinking "am I pregnant?"

Last Saturday I had been test is bfn. I will try to do the test again this Saturday. Since I was have the symtom since last Monday. Till this Saturday is 12days of increase CF, sore breast on and off and cramp on and off. BFP please :)

8 years ago

I took a digi weeks estimator today and got a not preg. Still no af...will retest sunday if no af by then. I took the test apart n looks like the one i got a positive on last time but i read that all clearblue digitals have 3 lines on the inside so..ill have to wait it out.

8 years ago • Post starter

I think you can re test few more day later. Maybe don't need to that rush on Sunday. Test 4-5 days later :)

8 years ago

If i got a smiley face on the many dpo am i . I dont know y i am confused lol maybe yesterday was just 10dpo?

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey there Joyy87

I wish we really knew the answer they did all kinds of tests and blood work on me and the baby but there was nothing out of the ordinary. The only thing the doctor could even imagine it would be is when they took him out the the cord was wrapped up so tightly it looked like a corkscrew. I guess if I had to be positive about one thing they didn't find anything wrong with me. which really not knowing kinda sucks!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

I guess should be around 10dpo. So was thinking to ask you to check around 14dpo to 15dpo, else implantation late and check too early. And make ourself dossapointed

Ya, we could not had a confirm reason of why misscarriage. I read your journal. Similar thing was happen to us in our life.
My 20weeks misscarriage was suspect that i born with cervical disfunction. This is a kind of hurt that sound like I am the one who made I lost the baby. I did ask the doctor how come can't diagnose when I come from checkup. He said there are no way to diagnose this issue. They will only suggest patient with 2 times miscarriage. Tight the cervix while 14 weeks pregnancy till 36 weeks only remove the stitch.
I do know that is a very challenge life for me to be a mummy. Since I had PCOS and the issue I mention above.
But I definately would try again. And I am gonna to do all the best to protect my angel. I do not want to lost again.


8 years ago

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