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Did the deed 1 day before fertile phase, what are my chances?

My cycles range from 25-30 days long. The first day of my last period started on Dec 21st and we baby danced Dec 28th. My app says thats one day before my fertile phase but I just can't trust the app bc my cycles vary so much. So, my symptoms started yesterday. I'm sooooo tired. I was exhausted yesterday by 4pm. Then this afternoon, I slept so soundly that I didn't hear my dog barking at the front door and he's really loud. My nose is stuffy and runny at the same time and that is accompanied by millions of sneezes. This is not an allergy season for me. My stomach/lower abdomen feels full and stiff. I burst into tears for no real reason this morning. Dave and I aren't even really ttc right now. I mean I'd be okay either way. I am just curious if my body and mind are messing with me. What do yall think? Anybody experience this before?

yes, you're pregnant! (0 votes)
maybe not :( (2 votes)
I conceived 1 day before fertile phase (0 votes)
sneezing is a sign (0 votes)

3 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I say maybe cause I'm feeling just like you an I'm ttc lol I say maybe:-) sorry aint much help

8 years ago

Every time you have unprotected sex there's a chance you could get pregnant. There's even a chance you could get pregnant even when it is protected! Sperm can live inside of a woman for up to 5 days, so potentially, yes, you could get pregnant

BUT its unlikely you'd be experiencing symptoms... My LMP was 6 days prior to your - similar cycle variation and its even to early for me to test.. Even if you O'd early, not enough time has elapsed for implantation.. and you only start to experience symptoms once fertilised egg has implanted and HCG, progesterone and oestrogen start to rise.

8 years ago

Well.. I'm almost a week late now.. Gone longer than any recorded cycle.. Testing tomorrow.

8 years ago • Post starter

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