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Occasional glass of wine during TWW??

Hi ladies! Quick question; Do you have any input on whether it is okay to have a glass of wine here or there in your TWW? I am going to visit the in-laws this weekend and they ALWAYS ask if we want one. I don't want to say "no" because I feel like they would think something was up since we always have some with them. I don't want them to even know we are TTC. What do you think? Can I get away with one? I don't want to risk any complications with a possible pregnancy...

I am 1DPO today (I think)...

Thanks! :)

6 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Go for it. The baby eats yolk for the first month anyway. I had a couple glasses of wine at 5 DPO. I am now 11 weeks pregnant with twins and they are doing just fine.

11 years ago

I drank an occasional glass of wine with all of my pregnancies. Sipping on a glass of wine is very relaxing. Stress does WAY more harm to your body and fetus than one glass of wine could ever do ;) Things are so out of control now days. How did our parents and grandparents EVER have healthy pregnancies?? g-ma has 6 healthy kids and she drank a whiskey sour every weekend when she played, I wouldn't do that BUT..I'm just saying...LOL....

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11 years ago

Thanks ladies!! My husband said it would be fine, but I just feel like he is an eternal optimist no matter what so I didn't really believe him. lol.

@Shauna2710 - That makes me feel a lot better that they only eat the yolk for the first month. I had no idea. And congratulations on your TWO precious ones!!! :) Wishing you a smooth and healthy pregnancy!

@Tryn4#4amIcrzy? - Thanks for the reassurance! I think you're right that stress can be more harmful than a glass of wine every now and then...and yes I also think a whiskey sour is a little different. lol. They used to smoke and drink up a storm as if they weren't pregnant at all! Crazy. Glad we have awesome discussion boards like this to figure this stuff out together now days. :)

11 years ago • Post starter

I think the placenta doesn't start to draw nutrition until like 7 weeks and even if you got pregnant this cycle it wont implant for quite a few more days. I wouldn't worry about a glass or two of wine

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11 years ago

Thanks @hoping4#3!!! Baby dust to you!! :)

11 years ago • Post starter

Great question! I would drink light beer or a light alcohol wine while TWW. I would decline and tell friends that I'm in my TWW and they totally understood. There is nothing wrong with TTC and not drinking. Once I got my AF I would drink like normal.

I did drink some light alcohol wine during my TWW and had sips of beer here and there and ended up pregnant but I feel great. I also have quit coffee.

Hope this helps! Again, great question!

11 years ago

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