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Metformin provera and then clomid! success stories please

I have been on 500mg of metformin for 7months, Started my first round of provera on tuesday im on day 3:-) two more days to go, Then i pray AF arrives so i can start my round of 50mg clomid day 5-9 I think lol, im knew to all this. WIsh me luck. Anyways I really need success stories or just some support. Did you try this and it work. TTC for 11months!

PRAYING4aneeding some

5 Replies • 12 years ago



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Ok ladys, i ended my last dose of provera on sat, Now Im just waiting For My mensus :-) Cycle Day 1! Then days 5-9 ill take my 50mg Clomid. BD days 12 -22. Fun Fun hahaha, i just pray to god that i will ovulate.

Anyone else trying something new :) baby dust to you all
Join me on this journey!! Tell me your story and what your doing dif this time around

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

hi cass23... im sorry i just saw this. i wanted to know how is it going? How was your first month of clomid? I just finished my 7 days of provera just waiting for AF to show...then start clomid day 3-7 and cross my fingers that I will ovulate. and a positive test at the end. Im so nervous. I just wish I could fast foward to the testing. But each step is important. I have been ttc for about 2 years but just naturally.Now i have started then medicine and im really nervous. I hope we can both have good news.

11 years ago

hello everyone!
so.. I guess ill just go right in! lolz.
well...... I told my doctor about my long case of abnormal menstruals. She then diagnosed me with PCOS. poly cyctic ovary syndrome!
She put me on medication to help control it.
Provera 10 mg every day for 10 days.
and also metformin 500mg 2 twice a day.
Both medications I will be on for 6 months.
I finished the provera 2 days ago. so, I should be getting AF soon.
I am still taking metformin everyday. which I was told to.
I just wanted to share with you guys and keep you all informed on the progress.
I will let you guys no every detail. because Im not on clomid like most of you. just pro and med


11 years ago

Sorry about not being on the forum a lot, its just when no one ever texted me back i started a new one and i have lots of people on there, you guys should look for it, just just click on my topics on Cass23 and you should be able to find it, hope to see you there, Oh and the last two times i have took provera, I started `12 days after my last pill, so dont fret if it takes it awhile :), wish you luck.
Forum, Ladys lets take this journey together
Forum2 Clomid metformin provera,
or something like that hope you can find it if not holla at me and ill copy and past or something.
There are lots of women who are going threw the same thing we are, and there easy to talk to :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

11 years ago • Post starter

Im 8 dpo today ladys
Fatigue is about it, and some tender nipples
Im useing these tools on this site and the bbt, calendar, when to test, and symptom tracker im likeing it real well :)
Good luck to everybody
Had a blast last night, dads b-day party took 2weeks to plan but it was awesome, a little drame but hey it happens lol, over all i had a blast!!!
Strawberry daquires all around lmao
Its so hot here, 105 WOW
Rain already
My poor little dog is sick, So i have lots going on and its keeping my mind off of testing, I took a Preg test today lol why i have no idea i know its to early, i might have not evening implanted yet. Its ok one week down one more to go :)

try that link to find my main forum And join :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

11 years ago • Post starter

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