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Private Testers Support Group Part 6!

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Continuing from part 5 for our little band of sisters :)

Dev sorry about the BFN and the spotting :( Did you retest this morning? How sucky.

bluerose that is a long cycle! Hopefully AF doesn't show. Sounds like you have a crazy weekend ahead, hope you are able to nap today!

Hi to all the other girls!

AFM Not much going on, only work for a tiny bit today and then it is just relaxing. Hoping I can take a nap myself because I've been up since 5 AM for no reason. Boo.

272 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hello my chickadees! Glad you guys are okay, I was worried!

Janise hope you are doing okay, bluerose you too hun :(

2Frsty where you at?? What happened to molldoll too?

AFM I have today off, thinking about going solo to the pizza place downtown (I won't get pizza but they have AMAZING salads there, I can't stop thinking about them). Might bring a book to read. Also I can swing by the cupcake shop, they're buy 3 get 1 free today and they have new flavors :) My body is super sore still from doing some personal training demos on Monday, holy crap. I could barely lift my arms yesterday to wash my hair, and my hamstrings are still really tight. Gonna have to stop lifting Olympic bars all the time (they are 45 lb). I texted DH that our crib will arrive today from FedEx and the box weighs 76 lb so he needs to be ready to bring it in off the porch!

9 years ago • Post starter,37374/

This article was posted on The Onion, a parody website, today...thought it was funny and extremely relatable for us gals!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Luv, hey there superwoman!! Be careful...I know you are ;) I'm gonna check out the article when I post this. Hope that soreness goes away and soon!

Cam, good luck Hun!! I know you we do an amazing job!

Hope the rest of you are good.

AFM, cd23 today, so still 9 days to go. Need to have a heart to heart with the hubs and ensure we are still on the same page with everything. I'm getting excited about Thanksgiving BC my mom, brother, and pups are planning to come!!!!

9 years ago

Luv, that's hilarious!!

9 years ago

JLH hooray for thanksgiving! Sounds like it will be awesome! Glad you like the article too, I am glad none of us have let the "romance" of TTC wreck our sex lives too much! Actually I really enjoyed BDing on a schedule, strangely enough. It was more sex than I had gotten before then (or since then) in my marriage! But all the stuff we have to keep track definitely isn't sexy LOL!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies I will be missing for a while. My grandfather is actively dying.

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9 years ago

He's gone.

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9 years ago

Cam oh no hun I am so sorry. Take all the time you need :(

9 years ago • Post starter

Cam, words can NOT express the empathy I feel with you! Take time for you as I know you are a superwoman doing so much for so many...we are here for you no matter what!

Luv, GM. How are you feeling? How's the weekend shaping up?

Jan, Hey there...I am sorry you are still dealing with so much. I am glad you are still around, just know that!

Dev, Bumping, Blue, how are you ladies holding up??

AFM, Just trying to make it throgh the day so I can get on to my four day weekend!

9 years ago

JLH hey sweetie! Hope your day went fast! Four day weekend?! That sounds amazing! Any big plans?

Cam love ya hun hope you are okay!

Hi to everyone! *waves*

AFM we are leaving soon for Madison, DH is doing the marathon tomorrow. He's gonna do great. Going for faster than 8-minute miles. Should be pretty cold and possibly rainy but oh well! Meanwhile I will enjoy the hotel pool, LOL. One of my swimsuits fits my belly well so I am going for it. Hope you ladies have a great weekend!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

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